ScienceBase Project Lead/Geographer
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4210 University Drive Anchorage AK 99508
This USGS Data Release represents geospatial and tabular data for the Denali Sampling Project. This dataset represents the 'Sample Site Locations (Vector GIS dataset)' for the 2015 Sample Data Release. These data support the following publication:Drew A. Ignizio, ScienceBase Team, 2015, SAMPLE Denali Observations from 2010-2015, USGS Open File Report.
This USGS Data Release represents geospatial and tabular data for the Denali Sampling Project. This dataset represents the 'Sample Transects (Vector GIS dataset)' for the 2015 Sample Data Release. These data support the following publication:Drew A. Ignizio, ScienceBase Team, 2015, SAMPLE Denali Observations from 2010-2015, USGS Open File Report.
Categories: Data;
Types: Downloadable,
Map Service,
OGC WFS Layer,
OGC WMS Layer,
Tags: Alaska,
Denali National Park,
National Park Survey,
Sampling measurements,
Transect, All tags...
USA, Fewer tags
Abstract: The data in this data series represent a set of multi-band rasters, each containing 20 bioclimatic variables for the continental United States for the years 1895 - 2008.Staff at the U.S. Geological Survey, Fort Collins Science Center developed these raster layers using 4-km time series data developed by the PRISM Climate Group at Oregon State University. The original climate data for these rasters came from multiple climate station point measurements. Using these station measurements, the PRISM group produced interpolated climate grids which became the inputs in the algorithm used by the USGS to derive the bioclimatic variables. The values within each raster band were produced using an algorithmic...
Tags: Annual Mean Temperature,
Annual Precipitation,
Bioclimatic Variables,
Climate Averages,
Climate Time Series, All tags...
Grid cell,
Max Temperature of Warmest Month,
Mean Diurnal Range,
Mean Temperature of Coldest Quarter,
Mean Temperature of Driest Quarter,
Mean Temperature of Warmest Quarter,
Mean Temperature of Wettest Quarter,
Min Temperature of Coldest Month,
Precipitation Seasonality (CV),
Precipitation of Coldest Quarter,
Precipitation of Driest Month,
Precipitation of Driest Quarter,
Precipitation of Warmest Quarter,
Precipitation of Wettest Month,
Precipitation of Wettest Quarter,
Temperature Annual Range,
Temperature Seasonality (CV),
Temperature Seasonality (Standard Deviation),
raster data, Fewer tags
The Energy and Environment in the Rocky Mountain Area (EERMA) project is composed of interdisciplinary U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists working to provide land management agencies and decision makers with synthesized information and comprehensive, virtual tools to promote understanding of the trade-offs of energy development. The purpose of the Interactive Energy Atlas is to provide data and decision support tools to visualize and assess the potential effects of energy development on terrestrial/hydrological resources at multiple scales. ScienceBase is being used to compile information and serve the data to EERMA's website, including visualization application, via services. Community Home website:
This project involves a web-based application and information resource focused on ecosystems, energy, and water in northwestern Colorado. The project will be developed and implemented in partnership with land and resource managers and will compliment ongoing and proposed work to support data and information management needs in the region. Representative on-going efforts and entities involved include the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Southern Rockies Landscape Conservation Cooperative studies, Bureau of Land Management Rapid Ecoregional Assessments, Americas Great Outdoors Initiative, WaterSMART, Upper Colorado Endangered Fish Recovery Program, Yampa River Legacy Project, Soil Landscape Geochemistry Project, Sage...
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