2012 Updates (from the FY12 Annual Review) The NWIS Web Services Snapshot represents the next generation of data retrieval and management. The newest Snapshot tool allows instant access to NWIS data from four different web services through ArcGIS, software available to all USGS scientists in all mission areas. Increased data retrieval efficiency reduces the steps required to retrieve and compile water data from multiple sites from what can be more than 30 steps to just a few clicks. As an end-user education tool, it promotes use of NWIS data from both web services and the NWIS database, which increases the production of scientific research and analysis that uses NWIS data. The Snapshot database design enables efficient...
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The presentation, available for download in the "Resources" section, is a product of the 2012 CDI Project: NWIS Web Services Snapshot for ArcGIS. It was presented on Sept. 5, 2012 at a CDI-sponsored webinar. There is an additional presentation available at http://prezi.com/feyavsdpb8bj/easy-access-to-the-gold-standard-nwis-web-services-snapshot-tool-for-arcgis/.
How can the public discover opportunities for participation in USGS scientific research? What citizen science projects are currently active within the USGS? How may PIs increase public engagement in and awareness of their citizen science projects? To address these questions, a web application leveraging existing Community for Data Integration (CDI) and USGS work was created to allow unprecedented public access to USGS citizen science project metadata and highlights of key science outcomes. Such an application enables, for the first time, high-visibility, unified open access to information about projects and practices related to citizen participation in USGS research. The need for such information was identified...
This poster is a product of the 2012 CDI project: NWIS Web Services Snapshot for ArcGIS. It was presented at the CDI Data Blast Poster Presentation 2012 in Reston, VA.
The source code for the NWIS Snapshot tool was released on GitHub as a product of the 2012 CDI-funded project NWIS Web Services Snapshot for ArcGIS. The NWIS Web Services Snapshot represents the next generation of data retrieval and management. The newest Snapshot tool allows instant access to NWIS data from four different web services through ArcGIS, software available to all USGS scientists in all mission areas. Increased data retrieval efficiency reduces the steps required to retrieve and compile water data from multiple sites from what can be more than 30 steps to just a few clicks. As an end-user education tool, it promotes use of NWIS data from both web services and the NWIS database, which increases the...
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