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Howard W Reeves

Supervisory Research Hydrologist

Office Phone: 517-887-8914
Fax: 517-887-8937
ORCID: 0000-0001-8057-2081

5840 Enterprise Drive
Lansing , MI 48911
This model archive makes available a calibrated, transient MODFLODW-NWT model and a MODPATH7 particle-tracking model used to simulate the groundwater flow system at the former Badger Army Ammunition Plant, in Sauk County, Wisconsin, during 1984–2020. The development of the MODFLODW-NWT and MODPATH7 models are described in the associated U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2023-5040. This model archive contains all the files needed to document and run the groundwater flow and particle-tracking models. The directories in the archive are each presented as a separate .zip file and include an a "bin" directory, a "georef" directory, a "model” directory, an "output" directory, and a "source" directory....
Cold-water fish species such as trout and salmon are highly valued components of many stream ecosystems in Michigan and the Great Lakes region and are sensitive to rising stream temperatures. For example, the timing of spawning and development rates of these species are affected by stream temperature from late fall through spring. Historically, stream temperature modeling has focused on air temperature and solar radiation as the main drivers of stream temperature, while streams that are fed by groundwater are often viewed as being less affected by climate warming. However, as the climate continues to warm, groundwater temperatures could also rise, thereby contributing to warming stream temperatures and reducing...
This text file (Reference_List_V1.txt) lists references that describe relevant characteristics for reservoir thermal energy storage (RTES) research in the United States. References are grouped by corresponding city, including: Albuquerque, New Mexico; Charleston, South Carolina; Chicago, Illinois; Decatur, Illinois; Lansing, Michigan; Memphis, Tennessee; Phoenix, Arizona; and Portland, Oregon. The document includes hyphenated lines and headers to distinguish city-specific subsections. Internet links are provided for each reference in the event that the reference was accessible online (as of January 28, 2021).
This model archive contains 20 Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) models for 20 catchments within the Lake Michigan watershed (Mei and others, 2022). PRMS is a process-based distributed deterministic watershed model designed for the simulation of hydrologic processes including evaporation, transpiration, runoff, infiltration, interflow, and groundwater flow (Markstrom and others, 2015). The PRMS model version 5.2.0 (Markstrom and others, 2015) within the Ground-water and Surface-water FLOW (GSFLOW version 2.2.0) modeling platform (Markstrom and others, 2008) was used to construct the 20 catchment models. Each of the catchment models was calibrated using six different calibration schemes that are either...
The National Hydrogeologic Grid (NHG) dataset includes a raster and vector representation of 1-km cells defining a uniform grid that encompasses the continental United States. The value of each cell of the raster dataset corresponds to the 1-km cell number defined as 'cellnum' in the attributes of the vector data. The NHG consists of 4,000 rows and 4,980 columns, numbered from the top left corner of the grid, to correspond to the traditional row and column numbering system of the MODFLOW groundwater-flow simulation code (Hughes and others, 2017; Langevin and others, 2017). The Albers projection was chosen for the NHG because of the capability to best preserve area, which is crucial in the computation of volume for...
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