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Title Abbrev
Aeroecology Aeroecology Airspace, Bats, Birds, NOROCK
Alaska Science Center (ASC) ASC Alaska
Aleutian and Bering Sea Islands Landscape Conservation Cooperative ABSI LCC LCC
Alkalic Igneous Centers of the Great Plains and Rocky Mountains: Data in Support of Critical Mineral Resource Studies Alkalic Igneous Centers Black Hills, Central Montana Alkalic Province, Front Range, Paleogene, Tertiary, alkalic complex, alkaline complex, carbonatite, critical minerals, fluorspar, niobium, peralkaline syenite, rare earth elements, tellurium
Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative Amphibian species, ecology, invasive species, management, monitoring, stressors, water
An Open Repository of Earthquake-Triggered Ground-Failure Inventories Earthquake, Earthquake Hazards, GHSC, GIS, Geologic Hazards Science Center, Global, Inventory, Landslide, Landslide Hazards, USGS, USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), World, database
Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative LCC
Arctic Landscape Conservation Cooperative Arctic LCC
Astrogeology Science Center ASC Astrogeology, Geological and Geophysical, Planetary analogs, Planetary sciences, Terrestrial Analog
Border Environmental Health Initiative BEHI Environmental Health, International Boundary, Mexico, United States
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management - Environmental Studies Program
California Condor GPS transmitters
California Landscape Conservation Cooperative LCC, Landscape Conservation Cooperative
California Oil, Gas, and Groundwater COGG groundwater quality, oil and gas development, oil-field fluid chemistry
California Seafloor Mapping Program CSMP, Curvature, Paleoshorelines, Slope, Submarine Landslide Scarps
Caribbean Landscape Conservation Cooperative Caribbean LCC
CarpDAT CarpDAT bighead carp, black carp, grass carp, invasive carp, monitoring
Cascades Volcano Observatory Digital Data, GIS, Geochemistry, Geodesy, Geology, Geomorphology, Geophysics, Hazards, Hydrologic, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, Seismology, UAS, Volcanoes
Chesapeake and Delaware Floodplain Network Chesapeake, Delaware, Floodplain, Nutrients, Sediment, channel morphology
Chesapeake Bay Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals ChesBay EDC Chesapeake Bay, endocrine disrupting compounds, environmental health, fish health, risk assessment, sources
Chesapeake​ Stream Team Chesapeake​ Stream Team Chesapeake, best management practices, ecosystem, fish, land use, macroinvertebrates, stream, stream health, stressor, water quality, watershed
Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning
Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS) CoSMoS Beaches, CMG, CMGP, California, Cliffs, Coastal and Marine Geology, Erosion, Extreme Weather, Floods, Hazards Planning, Ocean Waves, PCMSC, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center, Storm Surge, Storms, U.S. Geological Survey, USGS, long term shoreline erosion, sea-level change
Collaborative Visitor Transportation Survey (CVTS) Collaborative Visitor Transportation Survey federal land management agency, survey, transportation
Columbia Environmental Research Center (CERC)
Community for Data Integration (CDI) CDI
Conservation Planning along the Colorado River in Utah Colorado River, Colorado River Restoration Planning
Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units CRU Research Adaptive Management, Decision Support, Ecology, Ecosystems, Fish, Fish and Wildlife Management, Modelling, Statistics, Structured Decision Making, Wildlife, population ecology
Denver Microbeam Laboratory DML electron probe microanalysis, geochemistry, microanalysis, microscopy, scanning electron microscopy
DEPTH Community Hurricane Sandy, Marcellus Shale, NY, New York, StreamStats, USGS, flood, groundwater, maps, stream, streamgage, surface water, water quality, water quantity, water use
Desert Landscape Conservation Cooperative Desert Landscape Conservation Cooperative, Landscape Conservation Cooperative
Earth Resources Observation and Science Center (EROS) EROS Aerial Photography, Coastal Changes and Impacts, Elevation, Emergency Operations, Fire Science, Food Security, Land Change Assessment, Landsat, Monitoring and Projection, Resource Mapping and Monitoring, Vegetation Dynamics, Water Use Trends and Dynamics, evapotranspiration, land change, land cover, phenology, remote sensing
Earthquake geology inputs for the 2023 National Seismic Hazard Model (conterminous U.S.) NSHM23 NSHM23, central and eastern U.S., earthquake geology, fault geometry, slip rates, western U.S.
Eastern Ecological Science Center EESC Leetown Science Center, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
Eastern Geographic Science Center EGSC Best Management Practices, Chemical Remediation, Chesapeake Bay, Climate Change, Ecosystems, Hydrocarbon, Land Cover, Land Use Change, Modeling, Phenology, Remote Sensing, Urban Growth
Eastern Montana Fisheries Climate change, Great Plains streams, Montana, PPPLCC, PRMS, REGCM3, eastern Montana, fisheries, precipitation-runoff modeling
Eastern Tallgrass Prairie and Big Rivers Landscape Conservation Cooperative LCC, Landscape Conservation Cooperative
Ecological Flows Program Ecoflows Community, Data, Ecoflows, Population, Water Mission Area
Economic Impacts of Ecosystem Restoration EIER Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior, Economic impacts, IMPLAN, Natural Resource Damage Assessment, local communities, restoration, survey analysis
Ecosystem Communication EcoCom
Energy and the Environment in the Rocky Mountain Area
Energy Development and Natural Resources in the Northern Great Plains
Energy Resources Program ERP coal assessments, coal resources, coalbed methane, conventional resources, energy, gas hydrates, geochemistry, geologic CO2 utilization, geology, geothermal energy, hydraulic fracturing, oil and natural gas, oil shale, organic petrology, petroleum, petroleum assessments, petroleum resources, produced waters, shale oil, unconventional resources, uranium, wind energy
Estimated Road Deicing Application ERDA land application, road deicing materials, road salt estimates, runoff, salinity, water quality
FLMA Collaborative Visitor Transportation Survey CVTS BLM, FWS, Federal lands, NPS, USACE, collaborative, generic clearance, public lands, survey, transportation, visitor, visitor experience
Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center (FRESC) Animals, Aquatic, Biology, Columbia Plateau, Conservation, Data, Disturbance, Ecology, Ecosystem, Environment, FRESC, Forest, GIS, Great Basin, Intermountain West, Olympic Peninsula, Pacific Northwest, Plants, Rangeland, Research, Restoration, Riparian, Science, U.S. Geological Survey, USGS, Wetland, Wildlife, information management
Fort Collins Science Center (FORT)
Geo Data Portal Catalog USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)
Geoheritage Sites of the Nation Geoheritage aesthetic, cultural, economic, educational, geoheritage, geology, scientific
Geologic Hazards Science Center GHSC GHSC, Global Seismographic Network, earthquake hazards, geologic hazards, geomagnetic hazards, landslide hazards, natural hazards
Geology, Energy & Minerals (GEM) Science Center GEMSC Abandoned and Legacy Mine Lands, Alaska Resources, Biogeochemical Cycling, Critical Minerals, Earth MRI, Economics, Energy, Energy Resource Assessments, Energy Storage, Energy and Minerals Databases, Environmental Health, Environmental Studies, GEM Research Laboratories, Geochemistry, Geologic CO2 Storage, Geology, Geology of Mineral Deposits, Gulf Coast Studies, Microanalysis, Mineral By-Products, Mineral Resource Assessments, Minerals, Oil and Gas Wastewater Reuse, Petrographic Studies, Remote Sensing, Waste as a Resource
Geospatial Analyses and Applications Core Technology Team Geospatial CTT Dataset Development, Disasters, Dust, EDC, Geospatial Analysis, HABs, Landscape Contaminant Sources, PFAS
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) - US Dataset Collection GBIF-US Dataset Collection Biodiversity, United States (US)
Global Croplands and Their Water Use for Food Security in the Twenty-first Century All Working Groups, Completed, Croplands, Ecosystems, Food, Land Resources, Water Resources
Grand Canyon Geologic Photo Collection Grand Canyon GPC Field photos, Geologic Photos, Grand Canyon, Photo Collection
Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center GCMRC Arizona Water Science Center, Big Bend, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, Canyonlands, Colorado, Colorado Water Science Center, Commission for Environmental Cooperation, Data, Delta, GCMRC, Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center, Green, Little Snake, Monitoring Stations, National Park Service, Research, Rio Grande, River, Sediment budgets, Texas Water Science Center, Utah State University, Utah Water Science Center, Yampa
GrassCast SW: Implementing a Grassland Productivity Forecast Tool for the U.S. Southwest GrassCast Drought, forecasting tools, grasslands, land management, modeling, near-term forecasts, plant productivity, plant productivity, rangelands, remote sensing, western U.S.
Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative LCC, Landscape Conservation Cooperative
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative
Great Lakes Science Center (GLSC) Coastal, Deepwater, Environmental Health, Invasive Species, Restoration Ecology
Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative LCC, Landscape Conservation Cooperative
Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative Great Plains, LCC, Landscape Conservation Cooperative
Greater Platte River Basin
Groundwater Quality at Badger Army Ammunition Plant BAAP Groundwater, Groundwater Flow, Groundwater Quality, Model, Sauk County, Water Quality, Wisconsin
Gulf Coast Prairie Landscape Conservation Cooperative Landscape Conservation Cooperative
Gulf Coastal Plains and Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative LCC, Landscape Conservation Cooperative
Hazards Vulnerability Analysis USGS, Western Geographic Science Center, natural hazard, risk, vulnerability
Headwater Intermittency Prediction HIP Ecological Drought, HIP, Hydrology, Intermittency, Intermittent, Northwest, Pacific Northwest
Hydro-Terrestrial Earth System Testbed (HyTEST) HyTEST
Hydrologic Instrumentation Facility HIF Calibration, Data Collection, Evaluation, HIF, Hydraulic Laboratory, Hydrologic Instrumentation Facility , Instruments, Jet Tank, Laboratories, Pipe Flow, Tilting Plume, Tow Tank, Training
Inland Harmful Algal Blooms
Integrated Landscape Modeling (ILM)
Integrated Watershed Studies Team IWS biogeochemistry, groundwater, model, nutrients, surface water, water chemistry, watershed
Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team IGBST Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, Grizzly Bear, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Yellowstone
Invasive Annual Grasses IAG
Invasive Species Habitat Tool INHABIT
IWAAs National Water Availability Assessment Natl IWAAS
JELA SAV MODEL SAV JELA, SAV, likelihood occurrence model, restoration
John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis
Joint Ecosystem Modeling (JEM) - Greater Everglades Restoration JEM Ecological modeling, Everglades, Priority Ecosystems, data visualization, netCDF, standards
Land Change Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection (LCMAP) Conterminous United States (CONUS), Continuous Change Detection and Classification (CCDC), LCMAP, Land Cover, Land Use, Land Use/Land Cover, Landsat, Landsat Analysis Ready Data (ARD), Machine learning, assessment, change, monitoring, projection, validation
LandCarbon LandCarbon Alaska, Aquatic carbon, Biologic Carbon Sequestration Assessment Program, Carbon flux, Carbon stock, Conterminous United States, Disturbance, Hawaii, Land use and Land cover, LandCarbon, Permafrost, Soil carbon, Terrestrial carbon, Wetlands
Landscape Patterns Catalog Landscape, Landscape Patterns
Large River Monitoring Forum (LRMF) Assemblage, Biodiversity, Colorado River, Columbia River, Fish, Fish Assemblages, Fisheries, Habitat, Illinois River, Large Rivers, Mississippi River, Monitoring, Native Trends, Tallapoosa River, Trends, biodiversity, monitoring
LASER project
LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
LCC Network
Leetown Science Center (LSC)
Marine Spatial Planning
Mercury Core Library and Data Center
Midwest CASC CSC
Midwest Grasslands Network Conservation Atlas Midwest Grasslands Network Conservation Atlas Midwest Grasslands, conservation planning
Minute 319/323 Arizona, Baja California, Colorado River, Ecology, Hydrology, Mexico, Restoration, Sonora
Mississippi River Basin / Gulf Hypoxia Initiative 2013, 2014, 2015, AR-01, CO-04, Conservation Design, Conservation NGOs, Conservation Plan/Design/Framework, Decision Support, EARTH SCIENCE > LAND SURFACE > LANDSCAPE, Eastern Tallgrass Prairie and Big Rivers Landscape Conservation Cooperative, Farm Bill programs, Federal resource managers, Gulf hypoxia, Gulf of Mexico, IA-01, IA-02, IA-04, IL-12, IL-13, IL-18, IN-05, IN-06, IN-07, IN-08, KS-01, KS-02, KS-03, KS-04, KY-01, LA-01, LA-03, LA-05, LA-06, LCC, LCC Network Science Catalog, MN-01, MO-03, MO-06, MO-08, MS-02, MS-03, Memphis, Mississippi, Mississippi River Basin, Mississippi River Basin, NE-01, OH-01, OH-02, OH-03, OH-08, OH-10, OH-12, OH-15, Policy makers & regulators, Project, Regional & county planners, SD-00, State agencies, TN-08, TX-13, Tennessee, Training/Outreach/Workshop, Tribes, WI-03, agriculture, completed, conservation, dead zone, environment, fish, habitat, hypoxia, hypoxia, initiative, landscape conservation design, onGoing, structured decision making, structured decision making, water quality, water quality, wildlife, wildlife conservation
Multistate Aquatic Resources Information System (MARIS) Abundance (organisms), Biological sampling, Freshwater fishes, Inland water environments, Spatial distribution, Species composition, USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)
National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
National Crude Oil Spill Fate and Natural Attenuation Research Site
National Fish Habitat Partnership NFHP
National Geologic Synthesis (NGS) NGS 3D mapping, 3D model, 3D modeling, Geologic Map, Geologic Mapping, NCGMP, NCGMP (National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program), National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program, National Geologic Synthesis Project, US GeoFramework Initiative
National Geospatial Program
National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) - USGS National Map Downloadable Data Collection Administrative watershed units, Area of Complex Channels, Area to be submerged, Basin, Bay/Inlet, Boundaries, Boundary, Bridge, Canal/Ditch, Coastline, Connector, Dam/Weir, Drainage area for surface water, Estuary, FileGDB, Flow direction network, Flume, ForeShore, Gaging Station, Gate, GeoPackage, HU10, HU12, HU14, HU16, HU2, HU4, HU6, HU8, HUC, Hazard Zone, Hydrographic, Hydrography, Hydrologic Unit, Hydrologic Unit Code, Hydrologic Units, Ice mass, Inundation Area, Lake, Levee, Line, Lock Chamber, Marsh, NGDA, NGDAID159, National Geospatial Data Asset, Nonearthen Shore, Playa, Point, PointEvent, Pond, Rapids, Reach, Reach code, Reef, Region, Reservoir, River, Rock, Sea/Ocean, Sink/Rise, Sounding Datum Line, Special Use Zone, Special Use Zone Limit, Spillway, Stream, Stream/River, Submerged Stream, Swamp, Topographic, Tunnel, US, USGS:ecd2ad5e-faa2-4291-bcdb-441b7113ea41, Underground Conduit, United States, WBD, Wall, Wash, Water Inland Theme, Water Intake Outflow, Waterfall, Watershed, Watershed Boundaries, Watershed Boundary Dataset, Well, artificial path, boundaries, dams, drainage systems and characteristics, inlandWaters, surface water, surface water systems
National Hydrography Dataset Linked Data Registry Area event, Catchment based indexing, Catchment indexing, Gaging station, HEM, Hydro linked data, Hydrographically linked data, Hydrologically linked data, Line event, Linear event, Linear referenced, Linear referencing, Linked data, NHD, NHDPLus, National Hydrography Dataset, Point event, Polygon event, Polygonal event, Stream gages
National Hydrologic Geospatial Fabric NHGF climate
National Minerals Information Center NMIC NMIC, abrasives, alumina, aluminum, antimony, arsenic, asbestos, barite, bauxite, beryllium, bismuth, boron, bromine, cadmium, cement, cesium, chromium, clays, cobalt, construction sand, copper, corundum, critical minerals, crushed stone, diamond, diatomite, dimension stone, explosives, feldspar, ferroalloys, fluorspar, gallium, garnet, gemstones, germanium, gold, graphite, gypsum, hafnium, helium, indium, industrial sand, iodine, iron, iron and steel scrap, iron ore, iron oxide pigments, kyanite, lead, lime, lithium, magnesium, manganese, material flow, materials flow, mercury, mica, mineral commodities, mineral resources, minerals, molybdenum, nickel, niobium, nitrogen, peat, perlite, phosphate rock, platinum group metals, potash, pumice, pyrophyllite, quartz, rare earths, recycling, rhenium, rubidium, salt, sand and gravel, scandium, scrap, selenium, silica, silicon, silver, soda ash, statistics, staurolite, steel, stone, strontium, sulfur, supply chain, sustainability, talc, tantalum, tellurium, thallium, thorium, tin, titanium, tripoli, tungsten, vanadium, vermiculite, wollastonite, yttrium, zeolites, zinc, zirconium
National Seismic Hazard Model and Seismic Design Maps NSHM ASCE, ASCE 7, American Society of Civil Engineers, BSSC, Building Seismic Safety Council, Earthquake Hazards Program, IBC, International Building Code, NEHRP, NSHM, National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program, National Seismic Hazard Model, earthquake ground motion, minimum design loads for buildings, peak ground acceleration, pga, seismic design, seismic hazard, seismic hazard curve, seismic risk, spectral response acceleration
National Water Census
National Water Use Projects WUP HUC12 water use estimates, National water-use models, data collectors, model uncertainty, physics and machine learning models, water use visualization
National Water-Quality Assessment - Hydrologic Systems Team (NAWQA - HST)
National Water-Quality Assessment Project NAWQA
National Wild and Scenic Rivers in the U.S.​ Wild and Scenic Rivers​
National Wildlife Health Center NWHC wildlife disease
North American Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Digital Reference Collection AXL DRC NAAMDRC, aquatic, digital, ecology, insects, macroinvertebrate, reference collection, specimen verification, taxonomy
North American Bat Monitoring Program NABat
North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative LCC, Landscape Conservation Cooperative, NALCC, North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative, North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative
North Carolina Geographic Data NCGeo Data, North Carolina, geographic
North Central CASC CSC
North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative NPLCC LCC, Landscape Conservation Cooperative
Northeast CASC CSC
Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center NOROCK
Northwest Boreal Landscape Conservation Cooperative NWB LCC Alaska, Landscape Conservation Cooperative, Northwest Canada, boreal
Northwest CASC CSC
Northwest Colorado Initiative (NWCI)
OCAP Digital Services WRET SDC, Science Data Catalog, ScienceBase, WRET, Web Reeingineering Team, content management
Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) - USA Dataset Collection OBIS - USA Dataset Collection Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Bay of Fundy, Beaufort Sea, Bering Sea, Bering Strait, Biodiversity, Biological Production, Birds, Bristol Bay, Canada, Caribbean Sea, Census of Marine Life, Chukchi Sea, Commericial Leases, Cook Inlet, Cruise Ships, Distributions, Fishes, Flora, Great Lakes, Gulf of Alaska, Gulf of California, Gulf of Maine, Gulf of Mexico, Habitat, Harvesting Living Resources, Invasive Species, Invertebrates, Kotzebue Sound, Kuskokwim Bay, Mammals, Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), North America, Norton Sound, OBIS, Ocean Biogeographic Information System, Offshore Oil and Gas Production, Pacific Ocean, Puget Sound, Reptiles, Sargasso Sea, Shelikof Strait, South Atlantic Bight, Southern Ocean, Straits of Florida, United States, Wind Energy Production, Yucatan Channel, abundance, algae, animal and plant census, aquatic biology, aquatic ecosystems, benthic ecosystems, benthic habitat, benthos, biodiversity, biogeography, biological productivity, biology, biota, biota, coastal habitat, consumers (organisms), coral reefs, decomposers, ecosystem diversity, ecosystem functions, endemic species, estuarine ecosystems, fisheries management, fishery resources, invasive species, macroinvertebrates, marine animals, marine biology, marine ecosystems, marine mammals, microbes, migratory species, native species, nekton, nonindigenous species, oceans, pelagic habitat, phytoplankton, plankton, plants, plants (organisms), producers (organisms), protected species, reef ecosystems, reef habitat, sea birds, sea turtles, shellfish, species diversity, vegetation, vertebrates, wildlife, zooplankton
Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Water Science Center OKI Edge-of-Field Monitoring, Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, LiDAR mapping, NAWQA, Ohio River Basin, bathymetry, biological community monitoring, biology, bridge scour, dam safety, droughts, ecological flows, flood inundation mapping, floods, fluvial erosion hazards, groundwater, habs, harmful algal blooms, hydrographic surveys, hydrologic modeling, invasive species, lake monitoring, lakes, low flows, microbiology, microbiology lab, nutrients, peak flows, sediment-source tracking, spill response, streamflow, super gages, surface water, unmanned aircraft systems, water availability, water budgets, water quality, water use, watershed monitoring
Oil and Gas DSS O&G DSS oil and gas
Oregon Water Science Center Chetco, Clackamas, Columbia, Coquille, DDT, Day, Deschutes, Grande, John, Klamath, McKenzie, Rogue, Ronde, Santiam, Snake, Umatilla, Umpqua, Willamette, aquifer, creek, dischage, gage, gauge, ground, hydrology, nitrogen, nutrient, pesticide, phosphorus, quality, river, sediment, stream, streamflow, surface, water
Other Project Community
Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center PCMSC
Pacific Coastal Fog
Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center Bats, Birds, Hawaiian Islands, Invasive species, Invertebrate species, Mapping, Pacific Islands, Plants, Restoration, Vegetation, terrestrial ecosystems
Pacific Islands CASC CSC
Pacific Islands Climate Change Cooperative
Pacific Lamprey Data Clearinghouse Pacific Lamprey
Pacific Region, Region 1
Pacific Southwest Region, Region 8 USFWS, pacific southwest region, region 8
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center Maryland (MD), Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
Peninsular Florida Landscape Conservation Cooperative PFLCC LCC, PFLCC
Plains and Prairie Potholes Landscape Conservation Cooperative LCC, Plains and Prairie Potholes Landscape Conservation Cooperative
Pliocene Model Intercomparison Project, Phase 3 PlioMIP3 PRISM, climate model, evaluation, intercomparison, paleoclimate, piacenzian, pliocene, proxy data, zanclean
Post Wildfire Hydrological, Sedimentological, and Water Quality Responses PWiRe ash, contaminants, deposition, erosion, floods, runoff, sediment transport, suspended sediment, turbidity, water quality
Rangeland Condition Monitoring Assessment and Projection (RCMAP) RCMAP RCMAP, back-in-time, climate change, grassland change, projections, rangeland, rangeland management, shrubland change, shrublands, time series, trends, vegetation change
Reach-Scale Monitoring Network
Regional Assessment of Drought Impacts on Soils (RADIS) RADICALS Carbon, Carbon Isotopes, Drought, Hydrology, Models, Radiocarbon, Reactive Transport, Soil Moisture, Soil Respiration, Soils, Upper Colorado River Basin
Remote Sensing Coastal Change RSCC Beaches, California, Cliffs, Erosion, Florida, Hazards Planning, Massachusetts, New York, North Carolina, Orthoimagery, Reefs, SfM, Storms, UAS, USGS, aerial photography, coastal processes, digital elevation models (DEMs), elevation, geomorphology, geospatial datasets, hurricanes, orthomosaic, remote sensing, structure from motion
ReSciColl Archive NDC NDC, National Digital Catalog, ReSciColl, Registry of Scientific Collections
RESTORE Council Monitoring and Assessment Program CMAP Deep Water Horizon, Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council, Gulf of Mexico, RESTORE, adaptive management, ecosystem restoration, habitat monitoring, mapping, monitoring, oil spill, water quality monitoring
Sagebrush Ecosystem Component Predictions bare ground, continuous field components, herbaceousness, remote sensing, sagebrush, shrub
SageDAT -- Original SageDAT Original
San Diego Management & Monitoring Program Conservation, Monitoring, San Diego, ecological
Science Data Catalog - Individual Metadata Upload SDC-IMU
ScienceBase Demonstration Community
Sediment-Bound Contaminant Resiliency and Response SCoRR Environmental health, Toxic Substance Hydrology Program, coastal science, contaminants, disasters, metrics, pathogens, sediment quality, storms
ShakeMap Atlas, Global, Regular, ShakeMap, ShakeMaps, scenarios
Soil-based Floodplain Mapping SFM flooding, floodplain maps, gSSURGO, inundation maps
South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative LCC
South Atlantic Water Science Center SAWSC Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina
South Central CASC CSC
Southeast Arizona Watershed Restoration SAWR environment, groundwater-surface-water interactions, restoration, riparian, water, watershed
Southeast CASC CSC
Southeast Regional Assessment Project
Southern Rockies Landscape Conservation Cooperative LCC, Landscape Conservation Cooperative
Southwest CASC CSC
Southwest Energy Development and Drought SWEDD Biology, Conservation, Ecology, Ecosystem, Land, Natural Resources, United States, biota, boundaries, environment, location
Southwest Isotope Research Laboratory SWIRL geochronology, isotope geochemistry
SPARROW Decision Support Tool SPARROW DSS Nutrients, decision support, management, water quality
Species On Lands Affected by Renewables (SOLAR) Mojave Desert, Sonoran Desert, genetic analysis, renewable energy, species distribution model
StreamPULSE: Analysis of River Metabolism StreamPULSE stream metabolism
Surface Disturbance Analysis and Reclamation Tracking Tool SDARTT
Sustaining Environmental Capital Initiative SEC Economic valuation, Ecosystem Services, Nonmarket valuation
Terrestrial Analogs for Planetary Science TAPS Analog, Astrogeology, Planetary science
The National Map 1 arc-second DEM, 1 meter DEM, 1-degree DEM, 1/3 arc-second DEM, 1/9 arc-second DEM, 10,000 meter DEM, 15-minute DEM, 2 arc-second DEM, 3DEP, Administrative watershed units, Aerial Compliance, Aerial Photography, Agricultural land, Airport Complex, Airport Point, Airport Runway, Airports, Airstrips, Area of Complex Channels, Area to be submerged, Bare Earth, Barren land, Basin, Bay/Inlet, Boundaries, Boundary, Bridge, Canal/Ditch, Cartography, Coastline, College / University, Compliance, Connector, County or Equivalent, DEM, Dam/Weir, Digital Elevation Model, Digital Mapping, Digital Ortho rectified Image, Digital Terrain Model, Drainage areas for surface water, Elevation, Elevation Theme, Estuary, Feature class, Feature coordinates, Feature county, Feature description, Feature designation, Feature history, Feature identification, Feature name, Feature state, Fire Station/ EMS Station, Flow direction network, Flume, ForeShore, Forest land, GIS, Gaging Station, Gate, Geodata, Geographic feature, Geographic name, Geographic names, Geographical feature, Geographical name, Georeferenced, Governmental Units, and Administrative and Statistical Boundaries Theme, Grid, HU10, HU12, HU14, HU16, HU2, HU4, HU6, HU8, HUC, Hazard Zone, High Resolution, High Resolution Orthoimagery, Hospital/Medical Center, Hydro-Flattened, Hydrographic, Hydrography, Hydrologic Unit Code, Hydrologic Units, IFSAR, Ice mass, Image processing, Impervious, Imperviousness, Incorporated Place, Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar, Inundation Area, JPEG 2000, Juction, Jurisdictional, LAS, LIDAR, LIght Detection And Ranging, Land Use-Land Cover Theme, Land cover, Law Enforcement, Levee, Light Detection and Ranging, Line, Lock Chamber, Mapping, Marsh, Minor Civil Division, NAIP, NED, NGDA, National Elevation Dataset, National Geospatial Data Asset, Native American Area, NavAid, Nonearthen Shore, Not Classified, Official feature name, Ortho Rectification, Orthoimage, PLSS First Division, PLSS Special Survey, PLSS Township, Percent Developed Imperviousness, Place name, Playa, Point, Point Cloud, PointEvent, Pond, Prison/ Correctional Facility, Public Land Survey System, Quarter Quadrangle, Railways, Range land, Rapids, Raster, Reach, Reach code, Real Property Theme, Reef, Region, Reserve, Reservoir, Roads, Rock, School, School:Elementary, School:High School, School:Middle School, Sea/Ocean, Sink/Rise, Sounding Datum Line, Special Use Zone, Special Use Zone Limit, Spillway, State Capitol, State or Territory, Stream/River, Sub-basin, Sub-region, Subbasin, Submerged Stream, Subregion, Subwatershed, Survey, Swamp, Technical School, Terrain Elevation, Topographic, Topographic Surface, Topography, Trade School, TrailFeature, Trails, Transportation, Transportation Theme, Tunnel, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), U.S. National Grid, USGS, Underground Conduit, Unincorporated Place, Urban and built-up land, Variant name, Vector, WBD, Wall, Wash, Water, Water Intake Outflow, Water – Inland Theme, Waterfall, Watershed, Watershed Boundaries, Watershed Boundary Dataset, Waterway, Well, Wetland, Woodland, a-16, altitude, annotations, artificial path, biota, boundaries, boundaries, boundary, cadastral surveys, contour, dams, dems, digital spatial data, drainage systems and characteristics, ecology, economy, elevation, elevation, environment, flora, geographic names, grid, habitat, hydrography, image map, imagery, imageryBaseMapsEarthCover, inlandWaters, lakes, land cover, land ownership, land use maps, legal land descriptions, location, natural color orthophoto, orthoimage, orthophoto, political and administrative boundaries, polygon grid, rectified image, rivers, slope, society, stream, structure, transportation
Training Community
Transboundary Aquifer Assessment Program, Binational San Pedro Basin BSPB, Binational San Pedro Basin, Binational San Pedro Basin, TAAP, Transboundary Aquifer Assessment Program
UMRB Climate Research and Development Project UMRB R&D Biogeochemistry, Climate Change, Ground Water, Surface Water, Trends, Water Availability, Water Quality, water
Upper Colorado River Basin
Upper Midwest and Great Lakes Landscape Conservation Cooperative Academics & scientific researchers, Conservation Design, Conservation NGOs, Conservation Plan/Design/Framework, Federal resource managers, Interested public, LCC, LCC, Landscape Conservation Cooperative, Policy makers & regulators, Private land owners, State agencies, Tribes, Upper Midwest and Great Lakes Landscape Conservation Cooperative
Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC)
Upper Midwest Water Science Center UMid WSC Flood, algal blooms, data services, domestic water use, floodplains, groundwater, hydrology, mapping, model, non-point source pollution, risk assessment, river systems, sedimentation, statistical analysis, streamflow, surface water, time series datasets, water budget, water chemistry, water quality, water resource management, water resources, water use
Uranium Environmental Health Vulnerability Assessment UEHVA Environmental Health Vulnerability Assessment, Uranium, water quality
US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) FWS, FWS, USFWS
Users, Uses, and Value of Landsat Imagery Landsat human dimensions of natural resources, remote sensing, value of information
USGS - G3 EMRI Airborne Geophysical Survey Hub USGS-AGP Sandbox Airborne High-resolution Remote Sensing, Critical Mineral Resource Assessment, Earth MRI, Earth Science Research, GGGSC, Geology, Energy & Minerals Science Center, Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center, Geology, Minerals, Energy, and Geophysics Science Center, Geophysics, Geospatial Analysis and Mapping, Hydrology and Hydrogeology, Method and Model Development, Mineral Resources Program (MRP), Minerals, Regional Geophysical Surveys, Tectonics and Crustal Characterization
USGS Aquatic Gap Analysis Project
USGS Benthic Laboratory Benthic Lab aquatic biology, benthic, bivalves, community ecology
USGS California Water Science Center CAWSC California, biogeochemistry, ecology, geochemistry, groundwater, hydrology, modeling, oil and gas, sediment, subsidence, surface water, water quality, watershed
USGS Caribbean-Florida Water Science Center CFWSC Florida, Puerto Rico, borehole geophysics data, evapotranspiration data, water resources
USGS Central Midwest Water Science Center
USGS Chesapeake Bay
USGS Colorado Water Science Center COWSC Colorado, Harmful algal bloom, NAWQA, StreamStats, bathymetry, bridge scour, drought, flood inundation, fluvial erosion, geophysical logging, groundwater, habs, hazards, hydrologic modeling, mining, salinity, sediment, selenium, snowpack, streamflow, surface water, water availability, water budgets, water quality, water resources, water use, watershed monitoring, wildfire
USGS contributions to the National Geothermal Data System geothermal
USGS Dakota Water Science Center DakotaWSC Missouri River, NDWSC, Red River of the North, Souris river, groundwater, statistics, streamflow, water level, water quality, water use
USGS Data Release Products
USGS Delaware River Basin Integrated Water Science Basin: Data and Code Repository DRBIWS Delaware River Basin, Integrated Water Availability Assessment, Integrated Water Science, groundwater, surface water, water availability, water quality, water use
USGS Ecosystems Research Funding Opportunities (ECO Opps) User Help Eco Opps
USGS Gap Analysis Project (GAP)
USGS Geochron: Data Compilation Templates (U-Th)/He, 10Be, 26Al, 40Ar/39Ar, Fission track, Geochronology, Geochronology, Geomorphology, K-Ar, Lu-Hf, Luminescence, Radiocarbon, Radiometric Dating, Rb-Sr, Re-Os, Sm-Nd, Thermochronology, Thermochronology, U-Th-Pb, U-series, USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC)
USGS Hurricane Sandy Science Team Ecosystems, Environmental Health, Hurricane Sandy, National Geospatial Program, Natural Hazards, Northeast Region, Southeast Region, Water
USGS Hydrogeophysics Branch HGB Hydrogeophysics, geophysics, groundwater, hydrogeology, hydrology, water
USGS Hydrologic Networks Branch database support Water monitoring network support, data review, database support, field support, monitoring R&D
USGS Hydrologic Remote Sensing Branch HRSB data review, remote sensing, sUAS, satellite, unmanned aircraft system, unoccupied aircraft system
USGS Idaho Water Science Center IDWSC NAWQA, bathymetry, bridge scour, drilling, droughts, ecological flows, flood inundation mapping, floods, fluvial erosion, geophysical logging, groundwater, habs, harmful algal blooms, hazards, hydrographic surveys, hydrologic modeling, invasive species, lake monitoring, low flows, microplastics, reservoirs, sediment, streamflow, surface water, water availability, water budgets, water quality, water use, watershed monitoring
USGS Indiana-Kentucky Water Science Center
USGS Kansas Water Science Center Cooperative Water Program, Kansas, USGS Kansas Water Science Center
USGS Land Cover USGS Land Cover
USGS Lower Mississippi-Gulf Water Science Center LMG-WSC Alabama, Arkansas, Gulf Coast, Louisiana, Lower Mississippi River, Mississippi, Tennessee, Water Resources
USGS Maryland, Delaware, and the District of Columbia Water Science Center MD-DE-DC WSC data management, geomorphology, groundwater, surface water, trends, water quality, water use
USGS Missouri Water Science Center
USGS National Hydrologic Model (NHM)
USGS National Research Program
USGS Nebraska Water Science Center
USGS Nevada Water Science Center NVWSC aquifer test, drought, evapotranspiration, flood, groundwater, hydrology, lidar, remote sensing, streamflow, surface water, water, water quality, water use
USGS New England Water Science Center NewEng WSC Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New England, New Hampshire, Northeast, Rhode Island, Vermont
USGS New Jersey Water Science Center  Ecology, Model, Surface Water, Trends, Water Chemistry, Water Quality
USGS New York Water Science Center NYWSC WSC
USGS Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center USGS TXWSC Data Management, Flood, GIS, Geophysics, Groundwater, Groundwater Model, HSPF, Hydraulics, Hydrology, Karst, MODFLOW, SWAT, Sediment, Subsidence, Surface Water, Texas, Water Quality
USGS Pacific Islands Water Science Center PIWSC
USGS Pennsylvania Water Science Center PAWSC Marcellus Shale, StreamStats, USGS, baseline, flood, groundwater, streamgage, surface water, water quality, water quantity, water use
USGS Remotely Sensed Drone and Non-Contact Hydrologic Data Hydrologic, Noncontact, Remote sensing, UAS, drone, drones, near-field, non-contact, remotely sensed data
USGS Science Analytics and Synthesis Foundational Data Datasets/Database, Digital Data, GIS
USGS Soil Biogeochemistry soilbiogeochem Alaska, California, carbon, carbon sequestration, carbon storage, genomics, grasslands, methane, microbes, microbial communities, minerals, permafrost, soil
USGS Southwest Biological Science Center (SBSC)
USGS Southwest Gravity Program SGP Geophysics, Gravity, Hydrology, Southwest Gravity Program, Time-lapse data
USGS St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center SPCMSC barrier islands, benthic habitats, coastal ecosystems, coastal erosion, coastal margins, coral reefs, estuaries, forecasts and models, natural hazards, ocean resources, sea-level rise, seafloor mapping, sediments, storm impacts, subsidence, wetlands
USGS Streamflow Permanence Community of Practice USGS Stream Perm WOTUS, ephemeral, intermittent, non-perennial, perennial, streamflow, streamflow permanence
USGS Western Ecological Research Center Coastal Ecosystems, Ecosystems, Endangered Species, Fire Ecology, Forest Plots, Genetic landscapes, Global Change, Habitat models, Invasive Species, Land use planning, Migratory birds, RC, Renewable Energy, Satellite Telemetry, Sea level rise, WERC, Wildlife
USGS Wetland and Aquatic Research Center USGS Science Data Catalog (SDC), WARC
USGS Wetland Carbon Working Group Wetland, carbon, coastal wetlands, flux, greenhouse gas, inland wetlands, stock change
USGS-R Sandbox USGS-R Sandbox R, scientific computing, software development
USGS/FWS Science Support Partnership Program SSP/QR FWS research needs, Quick Response Program, science information
Utah RaptorBase
Visualization Laboratory VIZLAB Rapid data visualization
Waste as a Resource WaaR Mine, abandoned mine lands, energy resources, mineral resources, waste
Water Integrated Lake Model Aggregation (WILMA)
Water Resources Mission Area - Social & Economic Drivers Program WMA-SD cultural, economic, resiliency, social, vulnerability, water availability, water demand, water security
Water ReUse Influences on Water Quality and Suitability Water ReUse United States, Water Availability, Water Quality, models, point sources, water, water management, water reuse
Water, carbon and permafrost dynamics in boreal Alaska
Western Alaska Landscape Conservation Cooperative LCC, Landscape Conservation Cooperative
Western Energy Citation Clearinghouse
Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center WHCMSC
Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative