The Upper Colorado River Basin (UCRB) Climate Effects Network began in 2008 to focus science efforts on management questions. This multi-agency group* will:
1) Develop science questions based on input from scientists and managers.
2) Provide a website where users can access information pertinent to their needs.
3) Conduct a data gap analysis to identify science needs.
4) Seek funding for priority research needs.
The UCRB initiative seeks to increase knowledge on the effects of climate change on the region and its resources. A supportive aspect of the initiative will be the assembly of the scientific data and information resources from past decades of work by USGS scientists and research partners into a cohesive and integrated information management system. The amalgamation of information resources is being coordinated with the overall data and information management work for the Climate Effects Network.
* BOR, BLM, NOAA, NPS, The Nature Conservancy, Utah Division of Wildlife, USGS, University of Utah, Utah State University, University of Colorado Boulder