This is a geologic sample in one of the Bureau of Economic Geology's three Core Research Centers.
API Number: 15055204830000
Top Depth: 2525 Ft.
Bottom Depth: 2531 Ft.
lease_name: GARDEN CITY E-2
sample_type_name: SLABBED CORE
sample_category_name: Core
facility_name: Houston
reservoir_name: PANOMA
operator_name: CITIES SERVICE
state_name: Kansas
county_name: Finney
Supplemental Information: Web (this sample): 512-471-0402 (Austin CRC)Phone: 713-466-8346 (Houston CRC)
Dataset Reference Date: | 2009-09-14 00:00:00.0 |
Min Depth: | 2525.0 |
Max Depth: | 2531.0 |
Depth Units: | ft |