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Litter decomposition in grasslands of Central North America (US Great Plains)


Seth M Munson, Michelle L Haddix, Ingrid C Burke, Mark A Gathany, William J Parton, Mark E Harmon, Agnieszka Przeszlowska, Joseph P Decant, Stephanie K Owens, and Eliana E Bontti, Litter decomposition in grasslands of Central North America (US Great Plains): .


One of the major concerns about global warming is the potential for an increase in decomposition and soil respiration rates, increasing CO2 emissions and creating a positive feedback between global warming and soil respiration. This is particularly important in ecosystems with large belowground biomass, such as grasslands where over 90% of the carbon is allocated belowground. A better understanding of the relative influence of climate and litter quality on litter decomposition is needed to predict these changes accurately in grasslands. The Long-Term Intersite Decomposition Experiment Team (LIDET) dataset was used to evaluate the influence of climatic variables (temperature, precipitation, actual evapotranspiration, and climate decomposition [...]


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  • Upper Colorado River Basin



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