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Biological Impacts on Reclamation Operations from Climate Change - BOR Project, FY2011


We will identify regional and area office partners within Reclamation to use available downscaled climate projections, translate projections into biological forecasts for projected changes to populations and habitat, conduct probabilistic scenario planning, and recommend management actions. The research will also identify strategic basins to work in, find personnel to conduct the work, and locate external funding and in-kind services (e.g., non-governmental organizations, State agencies, and other Federal agencies). We will identify fisheries population and fish physiology effects as well as invasive species effects from climate change in Reclamation-managed systems. We will concentrate on effects on species of interest: zebra mussel, [...]


Data Owner :
Bureau of Reclamation
Author :
Mark Bowen

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Research Question: What Reclamation operations will be affected by climate change’s impact on biological resources? How great will the effects be? How can Reclamation respond to ensure water supply reliability?

Project Extension


  • Upper Colorado River Basin


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