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Physiological Tolerances of Fishes of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California - BOR Project, FY2011


An understanding of how fish respond to changes in their environment is necessary when restoring habitat to support native fish and to predict future species assemblages, likely outcomes for important native and non-native species, and the potential for invasion. We will review existing literature and summarize the temperature-dependent physiological tolerances and metabolic responses of fish resident in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (SSJD) to water quality parameters likely to be impacted by water management facilities and global climate change. The review will cover 58 species of fish (23 native). Each species account will be organized into adult, juvenile, larval, and egg tolerances. The water quality variables we intend to [...]


Data Owner :
Bureau of Reclamation
Author :
Zak Sutphin

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Research Question: How do fish respond to changes in their environment?

Project Extension

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