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Mapping moderate-scale land-cover over very large geographic areas within a collaborative framework: A case study of the Southwest Regional Gap Analysis Project (SWReGAP)


L Langs, R Douglas Ramsey, C Wallace, T Sajwaj, W Waller, K Pohs, Julie S Prior-Magee, Don Schrupp, Scott Schrader, B Wolk, Wendy Rieth, Kenneth G Boykin, C Velasquez, William G Kepner, Keith A Schulz, Gerald Manis, S Falzarano, John Lowry, Pat Comer, Jessica Kirby, Lee O'Brien, Bruce C Thompson, Kathryn A Thomas, and David F Bradford, Mapping moderate-scale land-cover over very large geographic areas within a collaborative framework: A case study of the Southwest Regional Gap Analysis Project (SWReGAP): .


Land-cover mapping efforts within the USGS Gap Analysis Program have traditionally been state-centered; each state having the responsibility of implementing a project design for the geographic area within their state boundaries. The Southwest Regional Gap Analysis Project (SWReGAP) was the first formal GAP project designed at a regional, multi-state scale. The project area comprises the southwestern states of Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah. The land-cover map/dataset was generated using regionally consistent geospatial data (Landsat ETM+ imagery (1999–2001) and DEM derivatives), similar field data collection protocols, a standardized land-cover legend, and a common modeling approach (decision tree classifier). Partitioning [...]


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