The purpose of the San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation
Program (Program) is to protect and recover endangered fishes in the
San Juan River Basin while water development proceeds in compliance
with all applicable Federal and State laws. Endangered species include
the Colorado pikeminnow (formerly known as the Colorado squawfish),
Ptychocheilus lucius, and the razorback sucker, Xyrauchen
texanus. It is anticipated that actions taken under this Program
will also provide benefits to other native fishes in the Basin and
prevent them from becoming endangered in the future.
The specific goals of the Program are:
To conserve populations of the Colorado pikeminnow and
razorback sucker in the Basin consistent with recovery goals
established under the Endangered Species Act, 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.
To proceed with water development in the Basin in compliance
with Federal and State laws, interstate compacts, Supreme Court
decrees, and Federal trust responsibilities to the Southern Utes,
Ute Mountain Utes, Jicarillas, and the Navajos.