Ponding by ground and frontal moraines at east end of Bonanza Flat. Wasatch County, Utah. 1904.
Date Taken
Ponding by ground and frontal moraines at east end of Bonanza Flat, looking southwest toward main divide of Wasatch Range. In background Timpanogos Peak and at left Provo Peaks. Wasatch County, Utah. Circa 1904. Plate 9-A in U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 77. 1912.
Ponding by ground and frontal moraines at east end of Bonanza Flat, looking southwest toward main divide of Wasatch Range. In background Timpanogos Peak and at left Provo Peaks. Wasatch County, Utah. Circa 1904. Plate 9-A in U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 77. 1912.
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