Stratum of limestone preserved unaltered in midst of dolomitized limestone, the workings of the Hoosier mine. Clark County, Nevada. 1921.
Date Taken
Stratum of limestone preserved unaltered in midst of dolomitized limestone 200 feet above the base of the Bird Spring formation in sec. 4, T. 25 S., R. 58 E., the workings of the Hoosier mine lie in the foreground. Clark County, Nevada. Circa 1921. Plate 19-A, labels and a graphic, in U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 162. 1931.
Stratum of limestone preserved unaltered in midst of dolomitized limestone 200 feet above the base of the Bird Spring formation in sec. 4, T. 25 S., R. 58 E., the workings of the Hoosier mine lie in the foreground. Clark County, Nevada. Circa 1921. Plate 19-A, labels and a graphic, in U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 162. 1931.
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