Cunningham Gulch, from the camp of the miners of the Mountaineer and North Star lodes. San Juan County, Colorado. 1875.
Date Taken
Cunningham Gulch, from the camp of the miners of the Mountaineer and North Star lodes, on the south side of the gulch, 1,000 feet above the valley. At the left is King Solomon Mountain, and on the right Green and Galena Mountains, with Rocky Gulch between, up which is the route of the Bakers Park and Del Norte wagon road. San Juan County, Colorado. 1875.
Cunningham Gulch, from the camp of the miners of the Mountaineer and North Star lodes, on the south side of the gulch, 1,000 feet above the valley. At the left is King Solomon Mountain, and on the right Green and Galena Mountains, with Rocky Gulch between, up which is the route of the Bakers Park and Del Norte wagon road. San Juan County, Colorado. 1875.
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