Overturned and faulted fold at the mouth of Swan Lake Gulch. Caribou County, Idaho. 1910.
Date Taken
Overturned and faulted fold at the mouth of Swan Lake Gulch (north side) T. 9 S., R. 43 E., Slug Creek quadrangle; Brazer limestone: Wells formation; Phosphoria phosphatic shales; Rex chert member of Phosphoria formation; Woodside shale. Ink marks on the photograph closely resemble the graphics on the published version. Caribou County, Idaho. 1910. Plate 46-A, with graphics, in U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 152. 1927.
Overturned and faulted fold at the mouth of Swan Lake Gulch (north side) T. 9 S., R. 43 E., Slug Creek quadrangle; Brazer limestone: Wells formation; Phosphoria phosphatic shales; Rex chert member of Phosphoria formation; Woodside shale. Ink marks on the photograph closely resemble the graphics on the published version. Caribou County, Idaho. 1910. Plate 46-A, with graphics, in U.S. Geological Survey. Professional paper 152. 1927.
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