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Alaska Glaciers. Chenaga Glacier, which is on the Kenai Peninsula, west of Chenaga. This is the largest outlet glacier of the Sargent Icefield.


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Alaska Glaciers. Chenaga Glacier, which is on the Kenai Peninsula, west of Chenaga. This is the largest outlet glacier of the Sargent Icefield. This very active tidewater glacier discharges large quantities of ice into an arm of Prince William Sound. The Glacier retreated rapidly early in the century and opened Nassau Fjord; in recent decades the glacier terminus has been stable. Mountain peaks, all less than 2,500 meters in altitude, rise as nunataks above the ice field. Farther inland, scattered glaciers, including the Wolverine, demonstrate by their higher altitude and smaller size the precipitation-shadow effects of the coastal ice fields. Wolverine Glacier is in the upper left background. Circa 1966. Figure 2, U.S. Geological [...]


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U.S. Geological Survey

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