Outcrops of quartzitic sandstone and fossiliferous ferruginous sandstone. Hopkins County, Texas. 1952.
Date Taken
Outcrops of quartzitic sandstone and fossiliferous ferruginous sandstone: A mass of quartzitic sandstone near the highway, 3.5 miles southwest of Sulphur Springs, showing root impressions at the broken end and pits marking the upper end of root impressions. Hopkins County, Texas. Circa 1942. Plate 5-D, in U.S.Geological Survey Professional paper 243. 1952.
Outcrops of quartzitic sandstone and fossiliferous ferruginous sandstone: A mass of quartzitic sandstone near the highway, 3.5 miles southwest of Sulphur Springs, showing root impressions at the broken end and pits marking the upper end of root impressions. Hopkins County, Texas. Circa 1942. Plate 5-D, in U.S.Geological Survey Professional paper 243. 1952.
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