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The plants that densely occupy the higher ground of the old bar include saltcedar, seep willow, desert broom, catclaw, arrowweed, and some large western honey mesquites. Grand Canyon National Park, Coconino and Mohave Counties, Arizona. 1974.


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Album caption and index card: The camera station is too far forward and too far to the right for an exact match.The plants that densely occupy the higher ground of the old bar include saltcedar, seep willow, desert broom, catclaw, arrowweed, and some large western honey mesquites. The present exposed bar is probably low enough to be inundated by the regular daily high flows. Because of the slightly darker tones of western honey mesquite and catclaw foliage compared to the color of the riparian plants, the contact between the old high-water community and the new riparian community is apparent. Across the river where the talus slopes have a northerly aspect, the highwater community is mostly western honey mesquite and catclaw. This elongate [...]


Data Owner :
U.S. Geological Survey
Photographer :
Turner, Raymond Marriner

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Available in the U.S. Geological Survey, Denver Library Photographic Collection, Turner, R.M. Collection.


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Type Scheme Key
name photoLibrary trm00072
number photoLibrary 34702
batch photoLibrary batch64
number_in_book photoLibrary 72

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