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Simulated average carbon consumed by fire (1971-2000) for OR and WA, USA


This dataset represents the average carbon consumed by fire for each HUC5 watershed, simulated by the model MC1 for the 30-year period 1971-2000. Carbon in biomass consumed by fire, in g m-2 yr-1, was determined for each HUC5 watershed. Watersheds represent 5th level (HUC5, 10-digit) hydrologic unit boundaries and were acquired from the Natural Resources Conservation Service. Background: The dynamic global vegetation model MC1 (see Bachelet et al. 2001) was used to simulate vegetation dynamics, associated carbon and nitrogen cycle, water budget, and wild fire impacts for OR, WA, OR and WA, for a project funded by the USDA Forest Service (PNW 09-JV-11261900-003). The MC1 model was run using historical data and future climate change [...]


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  • LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
  • North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative



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