General Contents - Notes Linn, Sullivan, Adair, Chariton and Howard counties: Stratigraphy - Archimedes Limestone, Burlington, Encrinital, Glasgow Limestone, Keokuk, Rhombohedral Limestone: Minerals - barite, bog ore, hematite, iron nodules, pyrite, salt, siderite, sphalerite, sulfur nodules: Lithologies - bituminous shale, clay, coal, conglomerate, drift, limestone, ochre, sandstone, shale: Mines/quarries - potteries, coal mines, shafts; Thos Main Drift, Bevier Coal Shafts, Downings Coal Bank, Jack Conks Coal Bank, Leamans Coal, Jno Stanley Bank: Paleontology - brachiopods, bryozoans, corals, crinoids, fusulinids, plants, spirifers, sponges, others; fossil species noted too numerous to list, some difficult to read: Hydrology - mineral [...]