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Toxicity Testing for Stream Dwelling Amphibians, Mussels, and Mayflies


Project Start Date
Project End Date


Description of Work The work completed for this template will provide the following information: 1) Generate acute and chronic toxicity data for freshwater mussels and snails to enhance the protection of listed/endangered species in the GL basin; 2) Refine methods and conduct acute and chronic toxicity tests on amphibians; 3) Develop and test methods for conducting chronic toxicity tests for mayflies.


Principal Investigator :
Edward E Little
Associate Project Chief :
Rip S Shively
Cooperator/Partner :
Bethany K Kunz, Christopher G Ingersoll, Nile E Kemble
Lead Organization :
Columbia Environmental Research Center

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Material Request Instructions

Direct questions and requests to the Principle Investigator. 


Develop sufficient data to determine the relative risk of toxicity from chronic exposures to be used by Great Lakes States and Tribes to develop or refine standards for selected toxic constituents. This will help protect aquatic life from harmful levels of exposure.

Project Extension

projectStatusIn Progress

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