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Minidoka National Historic Site Vegetation Mapping Project - Spatial Vegetation Data

Vegetation Inventory


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This metadata is for the vegetation and land-use geo-spatial database for Minidoka National Historic Site (MIIN), Idaho and surrounding areas. This project is authorized as part of the USGS/NPS Vegetation Classification and Mapping Program. The program is being administered by the National Park Service's (NPS) Inventory and Monitoring Program in conjunction with the Biological Resources Division (BRD) of the United States Geological Survey (USGS). This mapping effort was performed by Cogan Technology Inc. (CTI) as a free service to the National Park Service.


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Minidoka Internment National Historic 166.69 MB application/zip


The NPS Inventory and Management goals are, among others, to consistently map and document the vegetation of all National Park Service units with a resource component, thereby creating a baseline vegetation inventory.The purposes of this specific mapping effort are varied and include the following: 1) provide support for NPS Resource Management, 2) promote vegetation-related research, 3) provide support for NPS Planning and Compliance, 4) add to the information base for NPS Interpretation, 5) provide a vegetation baseline inventory for the Park, 6) provide information needed for NPS Fire Program, and 7) assist in overall NPS Operations.

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