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Roosevelt-Vanderbilt National Historic Sites Vegetation Mapping Project - Spatial Vegetation Data

Vegetation Inventory


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Vegetation map of Roosevelt - Vanderbilt National Historic Sites provides local names for vegetation types, as well as crosswalks to the National Vegetation Classification System (NVCS), including association, alliance and formation level attributes. This dataset is post-Accuracy Assessment, so the thematic accuracy is not known. The original pre-Accuracy Assessment dataset has an accuracy that has been determined, and this is the "corrected", but untested, version.From technical report: [Based on the accuracy assessment sampling data and the final classification of 50 vegetation associations, the association-level maps [pre-AA] were revised to correct errors and create more accurate vegetation association polygon boundaries. In this [...]


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To provide an up-to-date digital geospatial vegetation database containing base line information about the park's vegetation associations to the park's resource managers in order to ensure effective, long-term management of the natural resources held in trust.

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