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Where People and Wildlife Intersect: Prioritizing Mitigation of Road Impacts on Wildlife Connectivity


2014-11-05 04:34:16
Last Update
2014-11-05 04:35:07
Publication Date


Meredith McClure(Point of Contact), Meredith McClure(Author), Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), LCC Network Data Steward(administrator), 2014-11-05(creation), 2014-11-05(lastUpdate), 2014-11-05(Publication), Where People and Wildlife Intersect: Prioritizing Mitigation of Road Impacts on Wildlife Connectivity


Roads present a growing threat to the wildlife of the U.S. Northern Rocky Mountains, a region spanning the Greater Yellowstone, Salmon-Selway, and Crown of the Continent Ecosystems that is unique in continuing to support a full suite of native ungulates and carnivores. The continued viability of wildlife populations are dependent on their continued ability to move, including daily movements among local resources, migrations between seasonal ranges, long-range dispersal supporting gene flow, and species range shifts over time in response to changing conditions. As wildlife movements across landscapes intersect with human movements via roads, both human safety and the health of wildlife populations are impacted. Several mitigation [...]


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LCC Network Data Steward(Point of Contact)


This report is accompanied by fully documented downloadable data products and a web-based decision support tool that allow practitioners to both explore patterns in risk and connectivity values across the study area, and to examine risk values, connectivity values, and risk factors present at a particular site of interest. We hope that this report and its associated decision support tools will aid practitioners working in the U.S. Northern Rockies to engage in mitigation of road impacts on wildlife connectivity and to do so where it matters most in the context of each practitioner’s unique perspective and goals.


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  • Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative
  • LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal

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