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Ecological changes in aquatic communities in the Big Bend reach of the Rio Grande: Synthesis and future monitoring needs


2014-12-12 21:53:27
Last Update
2017-09-07 20:49:06
Start Date
End Date
Start Date
2014-07-01 06:00:00
End Date
2015-06-30 06:00:00


LCC Network Data Steward(Point of Contact), Desert Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), Phaedra E Budy(Principal Investigator), Brian Laub(Co-Investigator), Desert Landscape Conservation Cooperative(Cooperator/Partner), 2014-12-12(creation), 2017-09-07(lastUpdate), 2014-07-01(Start), 2015-06-30(End), Ecological changes in aquatic communities in the Big Bend reach of the Rio Grande: Synthesis and future monitoring needs,,


There is a need to understand how alteration of physical processes on the Rio Grande River have impacted aquatic biota and their habitats, and a need to predict potential future effects of climate change on biotic resources in order to prescribe research and management activities that will enhance conservation of aquatic species. We propose a project with the goal of developing monitoring recommendations and identifying research needs for aquatic ecological resources in the Big Bend region of the Rio Grande. This goal will be targeted by synthesizing and analyzing available data and literature for aquatic species in the project region. In particular, we will work to develop time series of abundance and population trends of aquatic [...]

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Collect and synthesize available data on aquatic communities in the Big Bend region and combine this available data with a review of relevant literature to develop models that link biotic dynamics with physical processes. Develop monitoring recommendations and identify research needs for aquatic ecological resources in the Big Bend reach of the Rio Grande through synthesis and analysis of existing data and literature relevant to the region.

Project Extension

typeShort Project Description
valueThere is a need to understand how alteration of physical processes on the Rio Grande River have impacted aquatic biota and their habitats, and a need to predict potential future effects of climate change on biotic resources in order to prescribe research and management activities that will enhance conservation of aquatic species. We propose a project with the goal of developing monitoring recommendations and identifying research needs for aquatic ecological resources in the Big Bend region of the Rio Grande. This goal will be targeted by synthesizing and analyzing available data and literature for aquatic species in the project region. In particular, we will work to develop time series of abundance and population trends of aquatic [...]

Budget Extension

recipientUtah State University
sourceU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

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Type Scheme Key
Cooperative Agreement FWS F14AP00642

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