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Integrating detailed assessments of climate threats on Pacific coral reefs and responses of traditional Hawaiian communities into management planning


2015-01-27 22:19:34
Last Update
2017-09-05 21:19:04
Start Date
End Date


Jeffrey Maynard(Principal Investigator), Pacific Islands Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), 2015-01-27(creation), 2017-09-05(lastUpdate), 2012-07-01(Start), 2013-08-15(End), Integrating detailed assessments of climate threats on Pacific coral reefs and responses of traditional Hawaiian communities into management planning,


Coral reefs are seriously threatened by ocean acidification and climate change impacts like coral bleaching. Importantly though, the degree of threat varies for different coral reef areas due to differences in local and regional climate drivers. Climate models are based on the scientific community’s understanding of climate drivers and were used during this project to look forward or ‘project’ conditions in coral reef areas. The projections are global maps that depict changes in acidification and the frequency and severity of the temperature stress events that cause coral bleaching. The project team found that the date by which really severe bleaching is projected to occur annually varies with latitude. Beyond this date it is not likely [...]

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Budget Extension

recipientJeffrey Maynard
sourceU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
recipientJeffrey Maynard

Project Extension

typeShort Project Description
valueCoral reefs are seriously threatened by ocean acidification and climate change impacts like coral bleaching. Importantly though, the degree of threat varies for different coral reef areas due to differences in local and regional climate drivers. Climate models are based on the scientific community’s understanding of climate drivers and were used during this project to look forward or ‘project’ conditions in coral reef areas. The projections are global maps that depict changes in acidification and the frequency and severity of the temperature stress events that cause coral bleaching. The project team found that the date by which really severe bleaching is projected to occur annually varies with latitude. Beyond this date it is not likely [...]

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