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Proposal: Developing a Geodatabase and Geocollaborative Tools to Support Springs and Springs-Dependent Species Management in the Southern Rockies LCC




Springs—ecosystems where groundwater reaches the Earth's surface—are among the most biologically, socio-culturally, and economically important water resources (Stevens and Meretsky 2008). Many endangered species, and numerous rare or endemic plants, invertebrates, amphibians, and fish are found only at springs in the United States. Springs are highly sacred to indigenous cultures that use them for water supplies, ceremonies, and other purposes. Given the interactions between temperature, precipitation, infiltration, and aquifer dynamics, springs also are sensitive indicators of climate change. Yet while much attention and funding has been devoted to rivers and streams, springs ecosystems have been largely overlooked in conservation, [...]


Principal Investigator :
Lawrence Stevens

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SRLCC_2014_Stevens_Springs_Proposal.pdf 2.22 MB application/pdf


  • LC MAP - Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal
  • Southern Rockies Landscape Conservation Cooperative


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