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The effects of grazing on vegetation structure and breeding populations of sprague’s pipits and other grassland birds in the Little Missouri National Grasslands


The Sprague’s pipit is a native grassland bird that is endemic to the northern Great Plains. Given its restricted breeding range, cryptic plumage, and furtive behaviors, the species is considered one of the least-studied birds in North America. The species has undergone severe population declines on the breeding grounds. In the 12-month finding on a 2010 petition to list the Sprague’s pipit as endangered or threatened, the US Fish and Wildlife Service concluded that the listing of the Sprague’s pipit is warranted but precluded by higher priority actions. The Sprague’s pipit requires large patches of native grass cover throughout its life cycle. Large-scale losses and degradation of critical grassland habitat highlight the importance [...]

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Principal Investigator :
Lawrence D Igl

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“Livestock and Sprague’s pipit”
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Livestock and Sprague’s pipit
Livestock and Sprague’s pipit


  • Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center


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