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Migration and winter ecology of the Aransas-Wood Buffalo population of whooping cranes


The Aransas-Wood Buffalo population of whooping cranes migrates each year between wintering grounds on the Gulf Coast of Texas through the Great Plains to breeding grounds in northern Alberta and the Northwest Territories lying mostly within Wood Buffalo National Park. The landscape of the Great Plains is undergoing unparalleled change due to oil and wind-energy development and ongoing changes in agriculture. Man-induced change poses potential threats to the population and studies underway seek to fill several major gaps in knowledge needed to make informed decisions on the population’s needs. Currently, minimal data exists for guidance as new sites are selected for wind farms, mining, and oil extraction operations, and for understanding [...]

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Principal Investigator :
Aaron T Pearse

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Banding whooping crane in Texas
Banding whooping crane in Texas


  • Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center




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