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Analyzing high resolution topography for advancing the understanding of mass and energy transfer through landscapes: A review


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Paola Passalacqua, Patrick Belmont, Dennis M Staley, Jeffrey D Simley, Ramon Arrowsmith, Collin Bode, Christopher Crosby, Stephen B DeLong, Nancy Glenn, Sara.A. Kelly, Dimitri Lague, Harish Sangireddy, Keelin Schaffrath, David Tarboton, Thad Wasklewiczt, and Joseph Wheaton, Analyzing high resolution topography for advancing the understanding of mass and energy transfer through landscapes: A review: Earth-Science Reviews.


The study of mass and energy transfer across landscapes has recently evolved to comprehensive considerations acknowledging the role of biota and humans as geomorphic agents, as well as the importance of small-scale landscape features. A contributing and supporting factor to this evolution is the emergence over the last two decades of technologies able to acquire high resolution topography (HRT) (meter and sub-meter resolution) data. Landscape features can now be captured at an appropriately fine spatial resolution at which surface processes operate; this has revolutionized the way we study Earth-surface processes. The wealth of information contained in HRT also presents considerable challenges. For example, selection of the most appropriate [...]


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  • John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis




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DOI 10.1016/j.earscirev.2015.05.012

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journalEarth-Science Reviews
notePassalacqua, P., Belmont, P., Staley, D.M., Simley, J.D., Arrowsmith, R.J., Bode, C.A., Crosby, C., DeLong, S.B., Glenn, N.F., Kelly, S.A., Lague, D., Sangireddy, H., Schaffrath, K., Tarboton, D.G, Wasleqicz, T., and Whaton, J.M. (2015). Analyzing high resolution topography for advancing the understanding of mass and energy transfer through landscapes: A review. Earth-Science Reviews 148: 174-193. doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2015.05.012

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