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This revised version of these data was originally posted as companion files to the USGS Data Series 817 (http://dx.doi.org/10.3133/ds817). The data were migrated to ScienceBase, but were not modified in any way. The metadata record was updated slightly to meet ScienceBase requirements.
The wind turbine dataset was updated as follows from the July 2013 version:
It now includes new turbines listed in the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Obstacle Repository System (ORS) Digital Obstacle File (DOF) through March 2, 2014.
This is 171 new turbines and over 1000 updated ORS numbers. In addition, 5 new attributes (total_cpcy, total_turb, year_range, on_year_s, and decommiss) were added to improve the web application.
Please see the metadata for descriptions.
All user feedback was reviewed and 25 constructive user feedback comments resulted in 18 new features.
Turbine locations with a confidence of none or partial were checked using updated high resolution imagery and changed accordingly.
Extensive update of more than 25,000 features of the EIA_name field using a newer version of the EIA 860 data set.
Turbine locations with a conf_loc of none( 0) or partial (1) were checked against current imagery and over 750 were updated to full (2) confidence.