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Hunting Invasive Species with HTCondor: High Throughput Computing for Big Data and Next Generation Sequencing


Large amounts of data are being generated that require hours, days, or even weeks to analyze using traditional computing resources. Innovative solutions must be implemented to analyze the data in a reasonable timeframe. The program HTCondor ( takes advantage of the processing capacity of individual desktop computers and dedicated computing resources as a single, unified pool. This unified pool of computing resources allows HTCondor to quickly process large amounts of data by breaking the data into smaller tasks distributed across many computers. This project team implemented HTCondor at the USGS Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC) to leverage existing computing capabilities for [...]


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“CDI Monthly Meeting Presentation”
5.55 MB application/pdf
“Schematic of flocking with HTCondor between USGS centers”
thumbnail 164.09 KB image/png

Project Extension


Schematic of flocking with HTCondor between USGS centers
Schematic of flocking with HTCondor between USGS centers


  • Community for Data Integration (CDI)



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