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Timelapse photos at SNOTEL station, locations, and associated metadata, Ollalie Meadows, Wash., 2015


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Dickerson-Lange, et al. 2016, Snow disappearance timing in warm winter climates is dominated by forest effects on snow accumulation, in preparation for Hydrological Processes


UW_Olallie_photo_metadata & image files: These are the raw timelapse photographs. The date/time stamp is inaccurate for the camera deployed in the open (at the SNOTEL) due to a programming error. This timestamp is one day early (i.e., subtract 1 day from the timestamp when using these data). Also available is metadata for two timelapse cameras and their associated snow depth poles (two visible in each camera's field of view) deployed at Olallie Meadows SNOTEL during water year 2015. One camera was deployed in the open area that is the Olallie Meadows SNOTEL station (the snow pillow is in the field of view). The other camera was deployed in the adjacent forest, approximately 60 m to the southeast of the SNOTEL. UW_Ollalie_snow_camera: [...]


Principal Investigator :
Jessica Lundquist
Point of Contact :
Susan E. Dickerson-Lange
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase
Metadata Contact :
Susan E. Dickerson-Lange
Originator :
Jessica Lundquist, Susan E. Dickerson-Lange

Attached Files

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Ollalie9and10_Ollalie_Open_2015 (1 to 200).zip 236.46 MB application/zip
Ollalie9and10_Ollalie_Open_2015 (201 to 400).zip 242.63 MB application/zip
Ollalie9and10_Ollalie_Open_2015 (401 to 600).zip 236.16 MB application/zip
Ollalie9and10_Ollalie_Open_2015 (601 to 800).zip 283.81 MB application/zip
Ollalie9and10_Ollalie_Open_2015 (801 to 952).zip 223.89 MB application/zip
Ollalie11and12_Ollalie_Forest_2015 (1 to 200).zip 231.87 MB application/zip
Ollalie11and12_Ollalie_Forest_2015 (201 - 400).zip 240.22 MB application/zip
Ollalie11and12_Ollalie_Forest_2015 (401 - 600).zip 245.33 MB application/zip
Ollalie11and12_Ollalie_Forest_2015 (601 - 800).zip 274 MB application/zip
Ollalie11and12_Ollalie_Forest_2015 (801 to 920).zip 176.28 MB application/zip
UW_Olallie_photo_metadata_WY2015.xlsx 9.23 KB application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
UW_Olallie_photo_metadata_WY2015_README.txt 2.23 KB text/plain
UW_Olallie_snow_camera_SNOTEL_rounded_WY2015_README.txt 1.83 KB text/plain
UW_Olallie_snow_camera_SNOTEL_rounded_WY2015.csv 26.25 KB text/csv


Climate change is projected to cause earlier snowmelt, with potentially serious consequences for terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and for municipal and agricultural water supplies. However, if forests can be managed to retain snow longer, some of these environmental and financial impacts may be mitigated. Recent results from our research team demonstrate that in areas with relatively warm winters, strategically-cut forest gaps could offset climatic warming by increasing snow retention on the landscape and delaying runoff. However, in areas with colder winters, the opposite is true, as snow lasts longer under the forest canopy. We will map these climate-forest-snow interactions across the Pacific Northwest, predicting how forest change is likely to affect snow duration in different locations and testing those predictions against careful observations from our field sites and a network of citizen scientists. Working with regional forest and water managers, we will identify strategies for applying these findings to decision-making, linking climate-forest-snow interactions to ecohydrologic conditions important to management. Results from this project will help managers to act strategically to maximize snow retention (protecting forests in some areas while opening gaps in others), providing more water later in the season for hydropower, agriculture, and fish flows.

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