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Altitudes and Thicknesses of Hydrogeologic Units of the Ozark Plateaus Aquifer System in Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma


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Westerman, D.A., Gillip, J.A., Richards, J.M., Hays, P.D., and Clark, B.R., 2016, Altitudes and Thicknesses of Hydrogeologic Units of the Ozark Plateaus Aquifer System in Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


A hydrogeologic framework of the Ozark Plateaus aquifer system was constructed as the base for a groundwater flow model developed as part of the U.S. Geological Survey Water Availability and Use Science Program to aid in the understanding of groundwater availability in select aquifer systems of the United States. The Ozark Plateaus aquifer system study area (hereinafter referred to as the “Ozark system”) is nearly 70,000 square miles and includes parts of Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma. A hydrogeologic framework was constructed to represent the altitudes and thicknesses of nine hydrogeologic units within the Ozark Plateaus aquifer system - . the Western Interior Plains confining system, Springfield Plateau aquifer, the [...]

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These data were compiled as part of the groundwater availability study of the Ozark Plateaus aquifer system and were used as input to create the altitudes for nine hydrogeologic units. The data should not be used without a sufficient understanding of the documentation provided in SIR 2016-5130 (Altitudes and Thicknesses of Hydrogeologic Units of the Ozark Plateaus Aquifer System in Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma Drew A. Westerman, Jonathan A. Gillip, Joseph M. Richards, Phillip D. Hays, and Brian R. Clark) and the associated metadata.

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DOI doi:10.5066/F7HQ3X0T

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