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Detailed Methodology for the Regional Estuary Assessment for the Northern Gulf of Mexico (Step 1)

from the 2015 National Fish Habitat Assessment


Assembling Response Data The assessment uses available fish and shellfish species presence/absence as indicators of the effects of anthropogenic (human caused) stressors on the estuarine habitats where fish and shellfish live, feed, and reproduce. Fish data were obtained from state and federal trawl survey programs, including each of the five coastal states as well as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) and National Coastal Assessment (NCA). Fish trawl nets are pulled through the water at specified sampling locations for a set period of time to determine the abundance and diversity of fish in the area. Environmental data like water temperature, dissolved oxygen, [...]

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The U.S Geological Survey (USGS) is partnering with the National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP) to produce the 2015 report entitled, "Through a Fish's Eye: The Status of Fish Habitats in the United States 2015". The information contained within this item is a product of NFHP. The Bureau is neither responsible nor liable for the accuracy or the use of the scientific content within this item. This content is considered preliminary pending subsequent review and approval.




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