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Summary of Scientific Findings for Alaska

from the National Fish Habitat Partnership's 2015 Through a Fish's Eye Report


Alaska is the largest state in the United States (586,412 square miles) and has a diverse array of fish habitats including most of the nation’s intact and highest condition fish habitat. Alaska has an estimated 46,882 miles of coastal shoreline, more than 3 million lakes, and at least 365,000 miles of rivers and streams. Pacific salmon (five species), pollock, halibut, Pacific cod, king crab, and many other species support robust subsistence, recreational, and commercial fisheries, nearly all of which come from self-sustaining wild populations. For Alaskans, fishing is an integral part of their heritage and culture and an important means of supporting their families. The inland assessment for Alaska focuses on the current status of [...]


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The U.S Geological Survey (USGS) is partnering with the National Fish Habitat Partnership (NFHP) to produce the 2015 report entitled, "Through a Fish's Eye: The Status of Fish Habitats in the United States 2015". The information contained within this item is a product of NFHP. The Bureau is neither responsible nor liable for the accuracy or the use of the scientific content within this item. This content is considered preliminary pending subsequent review and approval.


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