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FishVis, predicted occurrence and vulnerability for 13 fish species for current (1961 - 1990) and future (2046 - 2100) climate conditions in Great Lakes streams


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Stewart, J.S., Covert, S.A., Krueger, D., Slattery, M.T., Wieferich, D.J., Westenbroek, S.M., Infante, D.M., McKenna, J.E. Jr., and Lyons, J.D., 2016, FishVis, predicted occurrence and vulnerability for 13 fish species for current (1961 - 1990) and future (2046 - 2100) climate conditions in Great Lakes streams: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Climate change is expected to alter the distributions and community composition of stream fishes in the Great Lakes region in the 21st century, in part as a result of altered hydrological systems (stream temperature, streamflow, and habitat). Resource managers need information and tools to understand where fish species and stream habitats are expected to change under future conditions. Fish sample collections and environmental variables from multiple sources across the United States Great Lakes Basin were integrated and used to develop empirical models to predict fish species occurrence under present-day climate conditions. Random Forests models were used to predict the probability of occurrence of 13 lotic fish species within each [...]


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Fish sample collections and environmental variables from multiple sources across the Great Lakes region were integrated and used to develop empirical models to predict fish species occurrence under current climate conditions, project fish species occurrence under future climate conditions, and identify fish species and stream reaches that are vulnerable to future climate change.

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DOI doi:10.5066/F74T6GGG

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