This collection represents field station locations digitized from legacy field station maps, geologic interpretive maps, analytical reports and field notes. The points were on-screen digitized from scanned, georegistered station location maps using georegistration best practices and ESRI ArcMap software or digitized via data entry from field notes and reports. Most records indicate the geologist, field project and year collected based on the information available about the archived item or from interviews with current and former DGGS geologists and database research.
This collection represents field station locations digitized from legacy field station maps, geologic interpretive maps, analytical reports and field notes. The points were on-screen digitized from scanned, georegistered station location maps using georegistration best practices and ESRI ArcMap software or digitized via data entry from field notes and reports. Most records indicate the geologist, field project and year collected based on the information available about the archived item or from interviews with current and former DGGS geologists and database research.
alaska_field_stations_06222018.xml “Field Station locations for FY2017”
5.72 MB
47.84 MB
Digitized field stations provide locations and context for hundreds of physical samples and analyses at the Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys and the Geological Materials Center that currently have little or no identifying information.
All materials are property of the Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys.
This collection has been updated with additional records by funding from FY 2020 National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program, award number G19AP00077