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Providing Natural Resource Managers with Guidance on the Application of Climate Information for Decision-Making

Matching Needs and Potential Use of Climate Information for Natural Resources Management (Award Title)
Principal Investigator
Casey Brown


Start Date
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Natural resource managers face uncertainties of many kinds, with limited budgets and ever-evolving hierarchies of management priorities. Not least among those uncertainties are questions regarding future climate conditions. Technological advancements have enhanced our ability to understand and model climate, which has led to improved climate forecasting capabilities. However, climate projections are usually produced at a global scale, which makes them impractical for natural resource managers who are concerned with how climate will change in the specific location or region in which they operate. While there have been a growing number of techniques for increasing the resolution of these projections, resource managers are given little [...]

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Principal Investigator :
Casey Brown
Co-Investigator :
Patrick Ray
Funding Agency :
CMS Group :
Climate Adaptation Science Centers (CASC) Program

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“Lake Mead during a drought - Credit: Guy DeMeo, USGS”
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Natural resource managers face uncertainties of many kinds, with limited budgets and ever-evolving hierarchies of management priorities. Not least among those uncertainties are questions regarding future climate conditions. With the advent of high speed computers and a better understanding of the climate system, numerical modeling of atmospheric and oceanic circulations has allowed climate forecasting and climate change projections to become increasingly skillful. However, there remain limits to the information that can be provided and often decreasing returns to effort to increase that information. Natural resource managers at the USGS could elect to invest time and money in deeper study of climate dynamics in order to narrow the range of future climate conditions for which they are making plans, but the invested time and money may yield few useful insights. For natural resource managers, then, it would be very helpful to identify conditions under which continued climate science investigation may be fruitful, and where it may not represent the best use of effort. The objective of this effort is to provide clear guidance for natural resource decision making under climate uncertainty, including appropriate expectations for climate information and best practices for decision making.

Project Extension

typeTechnical Summary
valueThe Earth’s climate is a highly complex and nonlinear system, and it is difficult to fully understand and simulate how climate is changing in space and time. With the advent of high speed computers and a better understanding of the climate system, numerical modeling of atmospheric and oceanic circulations has allowed climate forecasting and climate change projections to become increasingly skillful. However, there remain limits to the information that can be provided and often decreasing returns to effort to increase that information. Understanding those limits is an important challenge to natural resources managers concerned with climate change. Natural resource managers face uncertainties of many kinds, with limited budgets and ever-evolving hierarchies of management priorities. For those managers, then, it would be very helpful to identify conditions under which continued climate science investigation may be fruitful, and where it may not represent the best use of effort. The objective of this effort is to provide clear guidance for natural resource decision making under climate uncertainty, including appropriate expectations for climate information and best practices for decision making, based on a review of the scientific literature, a review of current and recently completed projects, and a survey of the experience of resource managers within recent and ongoing adaptation activities. The result will be a guidance document and outreach activities to communicate the findings.

Lake Mead during a drought - Credit: Guy DeMeo, USGS
Lake Mead during a drought - Credit: Guy DeMeo, USGS


Spatial Services

ScienceBase WMS


  • National CASC
  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers



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Type Scheme Key
RegistrationUUID NCCWSC 3ffcd516-2a92-49f6-855f-7349982367d6

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