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Risk Analysis for Diamondback Terrapins on Wassaw, Blackbeard, Wolf, and Harris Neck National Wildlife Refuges


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Lovich, J.E., M. Thomas, K. Ironside, C. Yackulic, and S.R. Puffer. 2017. Spatial distribution of estuarine diamond-backed terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) and risk analysis from commercial blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) trapping at the Savannah Coastal Refuges Complex, USA. Cooperator Report. Cooperative Agreement Number G15AC00057 between the U.S. Geological Survey and Davidson College and Cooperative Agreement Award Number F14AC01211 from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to Davidson College.


The objective of this SSP project is to Conduct an inventory of diamondback terrapins on Harris Neck, Blackbeard Island, Wassaw Island, and Wolf Island National Wildlife Refuges. Specific Objectives are to: Compile all existing records of diamondback terrapins from the refuges and surrounding area. Conduct systematic surveys using boat-based head counts on each refuge. Generate a map of terrapin relative densities and associated GIS files with all appropriate data. Cooperator Report Abstract – The diamond-backed terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) is a small estuarine turtle distributed along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of the USA. Terrapin populations are declining throughout their range and one of the main causes is mortality by [...]


Principal Investigator :
Jeffrey E Lovich, Mike Dorcas
Co-Investigator :
Chuck Hayes
(other) :
Colorado Plateau Field Station, SBSC, Davidson College

Attached Files

Click on title to download individual files attached to this item.

NOA F14AC01211 Mod. 1.pdf
“Notice of Cooperative Agreement Award No. F14AC01211”
204.53 KB application/pdf
Terrapin Interim Report-v2 FINAL Sept 28 2015.pdf
“Inventory of Diamondback Terrapins on National Wildlife Refuges in Georgia and S”
406.87 KB application/pdf
Terrapins and crab traps 12 Oct 2017 Cooperator Report.pdf
“Cooperator Report Trrapins and Crab Traps 2017”
1.35 MB application/pdf


This SSP project supports inventory of inventory of diamondback terrapins on Harris Neck, Blackbeard Island, Wassaw Island, and Wolf Island National Wildlife Refuges. The report underscores the sensitivity of terrapins to crab trapping on the refuges.


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  • 15-R4-05

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