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Experimental observations on the decay of environmental DNA from bighead and silver carp-Data


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Klymus, K.E., Richter, C.A., Thompson, N.L., and Chapman, D.C., 2017, Experimental observations on the decay of environmental DNA from bighead and silver carp-Data: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Interest in the field of environmental DNA (eDNA) is growing rapidly and eDNA surveys are becoming an important consideration for aquatic resource managers dealing with invasive species. However, in order for eDNA monitoring to mature as a research and management tool, there are several critical knowledge gaps that must be filled. One such gap is the fate of eDNA materials in the aquatic environment. Understanding the environmental factors that influence the decay of eDNA and how these factors impact detection probabilities over time and space could have significant implications for eDNA survey design and data interpretation. Here we experimentally explore eDNA decay in waste materials and reproductive cells obtained from captive stocks [...]


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Positive Controls-Experimental observations on the decay of environmental DNA from bighead and silver carp.csv 43.47 KB text/csv
Raw Data-Experimental observations on the decay of environmental DNA from bighead and silver carp.csv 61.1 KB text/csv
Standards-Experimental observations on the decay of environmental DNA from bighead and silver carp.csv 19.4 KB text/csv


Data were collected to assess the fate of eDNA materials in the aquatic environment, understand environmental factors that influence the decay of eDNA and how these factors impact detection probabilities over time.


  • Columbia Environmental Research Center (CERC)



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DOI doi:10.5066/F7F769P1

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