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Zinc concentration data from mayfly exposure experiment


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Wesner, J.S., Walters, D.M., Schmidt, T.S., Kraus, J.M., Stricker, C.A., and Clements, W.H., 2017, Zinc concentrations and isotopic signatures of an aquatic insect (mayfly, Baetis tricaudatus): U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This release is for data on Zinc concentrations and isotopic signatures of an aquatic insect (mayfly, Baetis tricaudatus). Mayflies were exposed to an aqueous zinc concentration gradient in a laboratory experiment. Zinc concentrations were measured in water, algae (mayfly food), and different mayfly lifestages. Natural abundances of carbon and nitrogen isotopes were also measured in different life stages. This data set includes on Zinc data. Isotope data are provided in a separate file. The abstract for a journal article explaining the results of the experiment follows below: Insect metamorphosis often results in substantial chemical changes that can fractionate isotopes and alter contaminant concentrations. We exposed larval mayflies [...]


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Zn_mayfly_Zinc.csv 1.75 KB text/csv


These data were collected to determine how insect chemistry changes over an exposure gradient and through insect metamorphosis.


  • USGS Data Release Products



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