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Data release for persistence of historical population structure in an endangered species despite near-complete biome conversion in California’s San Joaquin Desert


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Richmond, J.Q., Wood, D.A., Westphal, M.F., Vandergast, A., Leaché A.D., Saslaw, L.R., Butterfield, H.S., Fisher, R.N., 2017, Data release for persistence of historical population structure in an endangered species despite near-complete biome conversion in California’s San Joaquin Desert: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The recency of large-scale land conversion in California’s San Joaquin Desert raises the probability that the region’s numerous endemic species still retain genetic signatures of historical population connectivity. If so, genomic data can serve as a guidance tool for conserving lands that once supported habitat for gene movement. We studied the genetic structuring of the endangered blunt-nosed leopard lizard Gambelia sila, a San Joaquin Desert endemic, to (1) test whether patterns of population admixture could be used to delimit former habitat corridors in the pre-converted landscape, (2) evaluate whether restriction site associated DNA sequencing (RADseq) from a subset of samples can resolve structure at the same spatial scale as [...]

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We collected the data to examine the rangewide population genetic structure and diversity of the blunt-nosed leopard lizard Gambelia sila, a federally and state listed endangered species. Their purpose was to provide genetic information for recovery efforts.


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Photographer: Jonathan Q. Richmond/USGS
Photographer: Jonathan Q. Richmond/USGS


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  • USGS Western Ecological Research Center



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DOI doi:10.5066/F7M906S3

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