Each inventory should be cited individually by its original source, the suggested citation for the original sources are given in the citation entry of each inventory. This ScienceBase Community can be cited as a website, including date of access.
This folder contains inventories of landslides triggered by historical earthquakes. These inventories are essential tools for understanding the causes and mechanisms of coseismic landslide hazard. However, many of the inventories were developed by different authors with different methodologies, this information is not always published or available so we have asked each contributing author to fill out a form describing their methodology. This form, titled "methodology description" is provided as an attached file with each inventory.
This folder contains inventories of landslides triggered by historical earthquakes. These inventories are essential tools for understanding the causes and mechanisms of coseismic landslide hazard. However, many of the inventories were developed by different authors with different methodologies, this information is not always published or available so we have asked each contributing author to fill out a form describing their methodology. This form, titled "methodology description" is provided as an attached file with each inventory.