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Development of a Multimetric Index (MMI) for Integrated Assessment of Salt Marsh Ecosystem Condition NCBN Vegetation & Nekton Data


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Neckles, H.A., Nagel, J.L., Guntenspergen, G.R., Nicosia Rocks, Erika, Schoolmaster Jr., D.R., Grace, J.B., Skidds, Dennis, and Stevens, Sara, 2017, Development of a Multimetric Index (MMI) for Integrated Assessment of Salt Marsh Ecosystem Condition_NCBN Vegetation & Nekton Data: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This dataset is comprised of eight files related to salt marsh monitoring data or measures of of human disturbance (i.e. human impacts in terms of physical, chemical, and land-use stressors) collected at 33 marsh study units (MSUs) in five National Parks within the NPS Northeast Coastal and Barrier Network (NCBN) along the northeastern coast of the US. Two files contain data related to the species and coverage of salt marsh vegetation observed in MSUs (1 data file, 1 definitions file). Two files contain data related to the species and abundance of nekton collected from creeks, pools and ditches in MSUs (1 data file, 1 definitions file). Two files contain data related to the height of key salt marsh vegetation species observed in MSUs [...]


Attached Files

Click on title to download individual files attached to this item.

MMI Veg _ Nekton Raw Data_Nekton_definitions.csv
“Definitions for the Nekton Data”
1.38 KB text/csv
MMI Veg _ Nekton Raw Data_Veg Height_definitions.csv
“Definitions for the Veg height Data”
825 Bytes text/csv
MMI Veg _ Nekton Raw Data_Veg_definitions.csv
“Definitions for the Veg Data”
1.26 KB text/csv
MMI_Veg_Nekton_Raw_Data_Corrected_01_15_2014_NEKTON DATA.csv
“Nekton Data”
8.26 MB text/csv
MMI_Veg_Nekton_Raw_Data_Corrected_01_15_2014_VEG DATA.csv
“Veg Data”
4.3 MB text/csv
MMI_Veg_Nekton_Raw_Data_Corrected_01_15_2014_VEG HEIGHT DATA.csv
“Veg Height Data”
1.35 MB text/csv
MMI_HDI & disturbance metrics.csv
“Disturbance Data”
1.27 KB text/csv
MMI_HDI & disturbance metrics_definitions.csv
“Definitions for the Disturbance Data”
1.65 KB text/csv


Marsh vegetation and nekton (i.e., fish and free-swimming crustaceans) monitoring data were collected as part of the network-wide vital signs monitoring program. Using these data, we derived a wide variety of vegetation and nekton response metrics for potential inclusion in the MMI. We then applied a multivariate, algorithmic approach for MMI development, which is an empirical method of MMI construction from a set of candidate metrics, in which the unique contribution of each metric toward explaining the variation in human disturbance is evaluated within the context of all candidates. The algorithm identified the optimal metric set, reducing a long list of potential candidate metrics to a vital few using an objective and transparent selection process. The MMIs produced can be applied to assess condition and detect change in northeastern national park marshes.

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DOI doi:10.5066/F7ZP449D

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