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Collection of Peter Robinson Blackline 24K Geologic Maps

Archival blackline geologic contacts drawn on 40, 1:24,000 scale topographic maps




Peter Robinson, unpublished maps


This dataset contains geologic contacts drawn on 40, 1:24,000 scale topographic maps in central Massachusetts used in preparation for publication of the 1983, 1:250,000 scale bedrock geologic map of Massachusetts. These maps were drawn by Professor Peter Robinson, Department of Geosciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst. The contacts were drawn on these topographic maps in black felt tip pen and are based on geologic mapping done from the 1960's through the 1970's by undergraduate and graduate students and by Professor Robinson himself. Dr. Robinson was the chief compiler for central Massachusetts during the compilation and publication of the 1983 bedrock geologic map of Massachusetts. These blackline maps were prepared as part [...]

Child Items (40)


Distributor :
Stephen Mabee

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RobinsonBlackline24KMapsCentralMA.csv 32.31 KB text/csv
“Edited to NGGDPP schema”
32.05 KB text/csv

Material Request Instructions


The purpose of this dataset was to generate contacts on topographic maps to be used for final production of the statewide 1:250,000 scale bedrock geologic map of Massachusetts.


Peter Robinson requests that he be acknowledged as the originator of this dataset in any future products or research derived from these data.


Spatial Services

ScienceBase WMS


  • ReSciColl Archive



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From 1960 through the decade of the 1970's Professor Peter Robinson studied and mapped the geology of central Massachusetts with countless students as part of his Advanced Mapping classes and as the chief advisor on many Master's theses and doctoral dissertations. This data was ultimately compiled by Professor Robinson in the early 1980's as part of his task as chief compiler of the geology of central Massachusetts during the preparation of the 1983, 1:250,000 scale bedrock geologic map of Massachusetts. Dr. Robinson took all this work and compiled in on clean 1:24,000 scale topographic maps using a black felt tip pen. The maps languished in drawers until 2016. For this project, the maps were scanned on an Ideal Contex FSC 5010 color scanner then georeferenced in ArcGIS version 10.3.1. Maps were archived as tiffs. All contacts were located in the field by geologists during mapping. Accuracy of contacts are within 50 meters. Contacts portrayed represent the understanding of the geology and the location of geologic contacts at the time the field work was conducted. Unit labels and details may have changed since the data were compiled in 1983.

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