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Liquefaction potential as a result of HayWired earthquake scenario mainshock (April 18, 2018) shaking in Alameda and Santa Clara Counties, San Francisco Bay area, California


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Jones, J.L., and Knudsen, K.L., 2017, Liquefaction potential as a result of HayWired earthquake scenario mainshock (April 18, 2018) shaking in Alameda and Santa Clara Counties, San Francisco Bay area, California: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


These data are a geospatial representation of liquefaction potential for the HayWired earthquake scenario, a magnitude 7.0 earthquake occurring on the Hayward Fault on April 18, 2018, with an epicenter in the city of Oakland, CA. These data are the product of an analysis that created a detailed liquefaction probability map covering the northern Santa Clara County and western Alameda County areas. The approach of Holzer, Noce, and Bennett (U.S. Geological Survey) was used to produce the data; Holzer, Noce, and Bennett used the liquefaction potential index parameter as an indicator for liquefaction hazard in their mapping of a smaller part of northern Santa Clara County and western Alameda County. These raster .IMG data were developed [...]


Point of Contact :
Jamie L Jones
Originator :
Jamie L Jones, Keith L Knudsen
Metadata Contact :
Jamie L Jones
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase
USGS Mission Area :
Natural Hazards
SDC Data Owner :
Earthquake Hazards Program

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These data were collected in support of the Science Application for Risk Reduction (SAFRR) project's HayWired earthquake scenario. Appropriate use may include future work related to research using the HayWired earthquake scenario as its earthquake source. Please note that this dataset is based on scenario earthquake shaking data and does not represent any known future earthquake activity. These data are for educational and training purposes only.



  • USGS Data Release Products



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DOI doi:10.5066/F74X5610

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