Experimental analysis of Elliptio complanata transcriptional response to salt stress
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Robertson, L.S., Galbraith, H.S., Iwanowicz, Deborah, Blakeslee, C.J. and Cornman, R.S., 2017, Experimental analysis of Elliptio complanata transcriptional response to salt stress: U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/F7P26WCG.
To identify potential biomarkers of salt stress in the freshwater mussel Elliptio complanata, we examined transcriptional responses of the common mussel Elliptio complanata to controlled NaCl exposures. The data set is a table of counts, with the rows being the transcripts detected in the samples in the experiment and the columns identifying the samples. Four mussles were exposed to normal freshwater and four mussels were exposed to high salinity (two ppt), for a period of seven days.
To identify potential biomarkers of salt stress in the freshwater mussel Elliptio complanata, we examined transcriptional responses of the common mussel Elliptio complanata to controlled NaCl exposures. The data set is a table of counts, with the rows being the transcripts detected in the samples in the experiment and the columns identifying the samples. Four mussles were exposed to normal freshwater and four mussels were exposed to high salinity (two ppt), for a period of seven days.
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Robertson, L. S., Galbraith, H. S., Iwanowicz, D., Blakeslee, C. J. and Cornman, R. S. (2017), RNA-Seq analysis of transcriptional change in the freshwater mussel Elliptio complanata after environmentally relevant sodium chloride exposure. Environ Toxicol Chem. Accepted Author Manuscript. doi:10.1002/etc.3774
To identify a basis for assessing the biological relevance of salt stress in freshwater ecosystems, using a common freshwater mussel as an early indicator of that stress.