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Geomorphic Responses to Dam Removal in the United States – a Two-Decade Perspective


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2017, Geomorphic Responses to Dam Removal in the United States – a Two-Decade Perspective: .


Recent decades have seen a marked increase in the number of dams removed in the United States. Investigations following a number of removals are beginning to inform how, and how fast, rivers and their ecosystems respond to released sediment. Though only a few tens of studies detail physical responses to removals, common findings have begun to emerge. They include: (1) Rivers are resilient and respond quickly to dam removals, especially when removals are sudden rather than prolonged. Rivers can swiftly evacuate large fractions of reservoir sediment (≥50% within one year), especially when sediment is coarse grained (sand and gravel). The channel downstream typically takes months to years--not decades--to achieve a degree of stability [...]


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Map of United States showing the number of dams in each state catalogued by the US Army Corps of Engineers (2013).JPG
“Map of United States showing the number of dams in each state catalogued by the ”
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Map of United States showing the number of dams in each state catalogued by the
Map of United States showing the number of dams in each state catalogued by the


  • John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis




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DOI 10.1002/9781118971437.ch13

Citation Extension

noteMajor, J.J., East, A.E., O'Connor, J.E., Grant, G.E. Wilcox, A.C., Magirl, C.S., Collins, M.J., Tullos, D.D., 2017, Geomorphic responses to dam removal in the United States—a two-decade perspective, in Tsutsumi, D. and Laronne, J.B., editors, Gravel-Bed Rivers: Processes and Disasters. John Wiley and Sons, p. 355-383.

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