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A comparison of four pore water sampling methods for mixed metals and dissolved organic carbon, and implications for sediment toxicity evaluations-Data


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Cleveland, D.M., Brumbaugh, W.G., and MacDonald, D.D., 2017, A comparison of four pore water sampling methods for mixed metals and dissolved organic carbon, and implications for sediment toxicity evaluations-Data: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


These replicate data support the findings described in the publication, "A comparison of four pore water sampling methods for mixed metals and dissolved organic carbon, and implications for sediment toxicity evaluations" by Danielle Cleveland, William G. Brumbaugh, and Donald D. MacDonald (Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2017). The data represent comparison of four commonly-applied techniques for obtaining pore water samples for the quantification of nickel, copper, zinc, arsenic, cadmium, lead and dissolved organic carbon (DOC), including peepers, push points, centrifugation, and diffusive gradients in thin films (DGTs). The methods were evaluated at low and high concentrations of metals in three sediments having different [...]


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Concentrations of dissolved organic carbon measured in simulated pore waters according to sampling method.txt 1.63 KB text/plain
Concentrations of metals, major cations and dissolved organic carbon measured in pore waters according to sampling method.txt 6.43 KB text/plain


These data were obtained during a study designed to compare four different pore water sampling methods for metals and dissolved organic carbon.



  • Columbia Environmental Research Center (CERC)



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DOI doi:10.5066/F7HD7SVS

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